International Dating and Marriage
Above Kenneth Popken is an American citizen and Helen is a dual Korean and US citizen. We believe that international marriage is a good thing. In our case, we understood that we were different and came from different backgrounds which fosters “understanding” between us. Also, Helen lived in London England for over five-years and so she has become partially “westernized” and I lived and traveled throughout Asia for over 14-years (when we met) so I was adapted to Asian culture in many ways. Therefore, we met in the center and have a common “international-understanding” for each other.
Above is an image of an international couple taken on the streets of Moscow. This handsome Asian guy has an adoring western beauty on his arm, showing that international dating and courtship and marriage is widely acceptable.
We want to encourage our single young men that they can also enjoy an international relationship which has brought great fulfillment and happiness to many international couples. International marriage can be a blessing for those Koreans living outside of Korea in other nations of the world.
Currently the population of expatriate Koreans (living outside of Korea) is greater than the entire population of the nation of Israel.
See the link “Homepage” for more details.
We have plans to build a community living system within the remote regions of Russia. Russia has offered free-land and free-citizenship to foreigners who come and develop the sparsely populated regions of Russia. This creates a great opportunity for all of us to engage in our plan of “civilization building” which requires both citizenship and land ownership.
See the link “Sparceway Economic Zone” for more details.
One of the biggest factors in causing Koreans to seek work abroad is the high cost of land and buildings within Korea. For example, we know a Korean couple who reinvented the French Macaroon to be something much better than the original. However, in order to rent business space, they have to pay a huge price per pyeong (about 3.3 square meters) for their needed business space in Wonju South Korea. In fact, this cost would be many times higher if they tried to rent business space in Seoul. Paying this much of their budget just for business space rental is something that can be detrimental to starting a business. Such high prices have caused many Koreans to look outside of their own countries for more affordable land and business space for operating their businesses abroad.
Korean Birthrates the Lowest On Earth
When the cost of living and the cost of education is so high that a man feels he cannot afford to have children then they will give up procreation.
Jeremiah 14:5 (NASB95)
5 “For even the doe in the field has given birth only to abandon her young, Because there is no grass.
This type of thing can be seen in nature when a deer gives birth to a fawn during a drought and abandons the newborn young knowing she cannot keep both the fawn alive and herself alive during a time of famine when there is no grass to eat. The doe conserves her energy to survive to procreate again under better conditions when there is again some grass to eat.
This is a major factor in Koreans abandoning procreation and the birth rates falling below replacement levels. If this trend continues the the entire Korean race will go extinct.
See the link “Korean Demographics” for more details.
International Wife and Helpmeet
My Korean wife takes care of all of the necessary business for me while living in Korea. This is a huge advantage for me and is an example of a wife being created by God as a “helpmeet” for a man. This same principle can also apply to any of our single men who would like to move to Russia and engage in “civilization building” because if they have a Russian speaking wife it will be a great advantage for them.
Women Seek Financial Security
It should be noted that women seek financial security and I know men who have married beautiful and intelligent wives even without the man possessing any good looks (just because they are financially secure). One example is of a owner of a hardware store in my region (of Wonju South Korea) who has a beautiful wife. But this man has a large waist line that is much greater in girth than the inseam of his trousers. This means that he is very “plump” and short and he is also bald. But despite his outward physical appearance, he has a beautiful and intelligent wife because he has done well for himself financially and he owns his own buildings and land and also has a nice home.
Creating Financial Security
Under our program, our young men can create financial security for a wife because your system produces energy and food and products on a continual basis (all year long). This automated system is a constant income producer. This provides an advantage for our young single men looking for a spouse because any of these beautiful ladies would be happy to marry someone with such great life-long financial security. This means our young men can have their pick of just about any woman that they want, having the most intelligent and beautiful women marry them (regardless of their outward appearance).
Below are some candid images captured off the streets of Moscow. Clicking on the caption below the images will forward the viewer to the video and images of these random ladies found on the streets of Moscow.
Common Women of Outstanding Beauty
The woman above is working as a sanitation worker but it is obvious that she possesses outstanding beauty. Such a woman would typically consider it a great opportunity to marry one of our financially secure single-men who can offer her a comfortable and secure lifestyle for the rest of her life.
Ladies Looking for A Spouse
We have the ability to take any ordinary man and make him into a prosperous and financially secure guy that is in great demand by beautiful women looking for a husband.
Military and Police men are not typically making a large salary but we can take such men and cause them to prosper tremendously within our self-sufficient production system. Thus, they can upgrade themselves to qualify for the most intelligent and beautiful wives by adding the factor of “Financial Security” to their social portfolio.
A taxi driver and a restaurant waiter are both common jobs but such men can prosper under our system to become financially secure and thus qualify for the most intelligent and beautiful women (who are seeking a spouse).
Under our financially prosperous system, an ordinary construction worker or a truck driver can prosper just as much as the so-called “elites” because their income is not restricted by outside forces or fixed wages. They can enjoy great financial prosperity and have the free time they need to mentor their children toward greatness (rather than laboring constantly under the curse of Adam just to feed their families).
Fixing Broken People
The woman pictured above is holding a boy’s skateboard in her left hand and there was a young boy sitting to her right in this image. Possibly this woman could be a “single-parent-working-mother” who was left to raise her son by herself. This often happens when some man fathers a child with a woman but then has no intentions of taking responsibility for caring for the child or raising him or being a father to his own son. Often the sons of “single-parent-working-women” will end up joining gangs in their teenage years and could end up in prison or have their lives shortened by violence on the streets.
Under such a situation, we can provide the male-mentoring that such a fatherless boy needs and his mother could also gain an opportunity to remarry to one of our single-men. It is obvious that this woman is an expert in clothing and fashion and makeup. She could make beautiful wife for one of our men (who are seeking a wife) and she could gain financial security for the rest of her life.
This is an example of salvaging broken lives that were ruined by past poor-decisions. This situation would also be good for the son, so he could be mentored by men and be prepared to become a successful and prosperous man himself.
See the link “7K-Boy’s Club” for more details.
His mother could also have a chance to redeem herself by marriage (regardless of any past mistakes or broken relationships she may have suffered previously).
God is always in the salvage business to help those who have ruined their lives by past poor decisions enabling them to have a fresh start again and a new hope for their future.