All Meat Diet for Human Health
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video:
In the video link above, Dr. Jordan Peterson of Canada, shares how an “all-meat diet” totally transformed his life and caused previously “incurable” diseases to disappear.
Dr. Jordan Peterson has been on a meat diet for five years and has had outstanding results. He lost 52-pounds in seven months and at age 62 he was back to the same weight he was at age 23. Not only was he able to lose weight but there were also many diseases that were completely healed after he was on the meat diet and some of these aliments were identified by doctors to be “incurable” but they all disappeared. His own daughter also was cured of juvenile arthritis which was destroying her joints (after she went on a pure meat diet). His own wife also had great improvements in health on the same diet. Dr. Petersen has also had large numbers of people show up to his meetings who shared how they lost over a 100-pounds in a year (after they also followed the same meat diet).
Dr. Peterson said, “After you talk to thousands of people who have the same anecdote – you don’t have an anecdote anymore, you have a hypothesis.” So, there must be some truth concerning human health found in this all-meat diet which is worth considering because of the great results Dr. Petersen had in his own life and in the lives of his family members as well as thousands of testimonies of his followers who also tried this same diet.
It was the U.S. Department of Agriculture which pushed the high carbohydrate diet in the United States and the result was a pandemic of obese America people who had a plethora of aliments of all kinds. But all of the negative effects of the high carb and high sugar diet can be cancelled and the related diseases healed simply by eating an all-meat diet.
Dr. Peterson also said that meat from ruminant animals (with multiple stomachs) is highly purified by the complex digestion systems of these animals. This makes the meat of ruminant animals a “superfood” which contains all of the human nutrition that human bodies require. Ruminant animal species include cattle, sheep, goats, deer, elk, bison, (and reindeer in artic regions) and other related species found worldwide. When people feel satisfied (on an all-meat diet) they will not be constantly eating and becoming obese as they do on a high carb and high sugar diet (which leaves them in a constant state of hunger).
Note: Clicking on the image below will forward viewer to the Utube channel of Laura Spath:
This Utube channel above shows how an American couple lost over a hundred pounds of weight (each) when they both switched to a carnivore diet and removed carbs and sugar from their diets. Their weight loss transformation was so dramatic that both of them had surgery to remove all of the excess stretched out skin around their stomachs after their massive fat-loss. This channel has a lot of practical advice and menu planning related to the all-meat carnivore diet.
Also see the link “Ketogenetic Diet for Specific Health Needs” for more information about how thousands improved specific health issues using a KETO diet.