Image Credit: Pixabay

Value of Currency

It must be understood that the true economy is not money but rather it is the output of goods and services. Money is a convenient way of trading goods and services without barter. Another way of saying this is that money is an allocation system for labor and exchange of goods and services. These elementary principles about money must be understood because there have been numerous politicians who falsely assumed that they could create wealth simply by printing more money. But nothing could be farther from the truth!

Robert Mugabe – South China Morning Post

Robert Mugabe (the late president of Zimbabwe) falsely presumed that he could create wealth for his nation simply by printing more money. When more money is created then it will devalue the currency that is already in circulation. Thus, the printing of money creates inflation. Inflation occurs when the value of a currency drops drastically so as to eventually reduce that currency into being worthless.

Image Credit: Slate

The Bank of Zimbabwe even began to print bank notes with a denomination of One-Hundred-Trillion-Dollars. But even with these high denomination numbers on these bank notes, this money soon became worthless due to inflation.

Image Credit: Wall Street Journal

The man in the image above is carrying a whole load of currency out of the Bank of Zimbabwe but this much money (all in One-Hundred-Trillion-Dollar bank notes) probably could not purchase something with the value of a single chicken egg. This is an example of what happens when incompetent rulers gain control over a country and devalue the currency by their foolish polices of just printing off money without regard to the actual economy (which is comprised of creating goods and providing services).

Image Credit: BBC

In a country where the money has been rendered useless by inflation, the cost of a roll of toilet paper can be worth more than a stack of worthless currency. In Zimbabwe, during the time of Robert Mugabe, the people often used Zim-dollars in place of toilet paper. However, this currency does not dissolve in water, so it would plug-up the toilets and signs were posted telling people not to throw Zim dollars in the toilet for this reason.

There are numerous countries whose national currency was devalued by over multiplication. This also occurred in Venezuela.

Image Credit:

The image above shows a single roll of toilet paper costing 2,600,000 Venezuela Bolivars. In 2019, Venezuela had an inflation rate of nearly 300,000%. The top ten nations for inflation in 2019 were Venezuela, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Argentina, Iran, Sudan, Liberia, Haiti, Sierra Leone, and Angola (Source: ” World Economic Forum“). In past history, there has been cases of hyperinflation in countries such as Hungary (1945-46) Yugoslavia (1992-94), and Germany (1923). (Source: “Worst Cases of Inflation“) Most of the time inflation is caused by inept government actions (such as the over-multiplication of national currencies).

The inept US President Joe Biden (and his staff of leftist liberal handlers) are implementing policies that are devaluing the USD and crashing the US economy. The inflation rose every month of the presidency of Biden and is now passing at a 40-year high (at the time of this writing). This shows that any country can be lost overnight by one bad election that places incompetent people into power. Cuba and Burma and many other nations have fallen under the control of inept political leaders. Many nations exist under perpetual poverty due to the mismanagement of national finances by bad politicians. When the Biden regime opened the US border (to import new potential Democrat voters), there were millions of people trying to enter from a vast number of countries. As bad as the US economy is getting under the Biden administration, there are many other countries which are in much worse condition. This is the reason why so many people are fleeing their own countries of origin and trying to enter the USA. This is why it is time that citizens of any nation, should start making provision for themselves because any country can fall to bad leadership by one stolen election that places bad characters in charge over a nation. Click on the image below to see a movie trailer of 2000-Mules voter fraud documentary.

Image Credit: 2000 Mules

See also the link of “True the Vote” and how voter data researcher Greg Philips shares about how he was imprisoned for speaking the truth but was later released and now he has revealed all of his irrefutable data online.

It should be noted that if a large nation like the USA can fall to bad political leadership (as happened in the 2020 election), then there is no country on earth which is immune to such a “manmade” disaster. The liberals currently in power over the USA (at the time of this writing) are doing everything possible to devalue the US dollar (by currency over-multiplication) and to crash the US economy by every action they take. Their actions could be described as “Economic Sabotage” by every sense of the word!

Economic Sabotage

What ignorant politicians often do to their own national currency (by over-multiplication) has also been done intentionally by enemies of the State seeking to bring ruination upon the economy of enemy nations. An example of this is seen in the plan of how Nazi Germany in WWII utilized forced Jewish prison labor to produce perfect counterfeit British Pound notes. (See the link “Operation Bernhard” for more details) The plan was intended to bring about the collapse of the British economy by releasing huge amounts of counterfeit British banks notes. It is interesting that Nazi Germany sought to destroy their enemy England by over-multiplying their currency. The same thing has frequently been practiced by incompetent political leaders throughout history [among many nations] resulting in them crashing their national economies – (due to their own currency devaluation).

Engineering Our Own Financial Freedom

The main principle to consider is that money only represents a convenient means of trading in goods and services. Therefore, each unit of currency is to represent something of actual physical value. For example, in past ancient history, grain was used as a form of currency. Debts were paid on the threshing floor during the time of harvest. This is an example of a currency that comprises something of actual physical value (such as grain). But it is difficult to carry 50 KG of grain to make a payment so it is easier if they use a form of currency that could easily be carried (like paper money) to complete the transaction. However, when the same currency is over-multiplied then a situation arises where there is a great deal of paper money being circulated which no longer represents something of actual physical value. The creation of this “empty-money” (that represents nothing of physical value) results in the devaluation of the currency and the destruction of the economy.

Creating and Protecting the Value of Our Own Currency

It is for this reason that we seek to create our own currency in the form of personal crypto. Crypto allows us to pay instantly and it can be secured using encryption technology. There is no waiting for a check to clear a bank and no loss can be incurred when a check bounces due to insufficient funds. This payment system is secure and instant so vendors receive their money in real-time.

Also, the principle that each unit of currency is to represent something of actual physical value indicates that our currency is only issued as a representation of something of actual physical value. So, our members create products and grow food and provide services and each of these physical products or services are granted corresponding units of currency at the point of sale.

We will have an association which is in charge of our crypto-currency management. Units of crypto are issued to our members in exchange for the goods and services which they produce. No currency is created except it represent something of actual physical value in the form of goods or services rendered. In this manner, we will not devalue our own currency by the over-multiplication of something which represents nothing of actual physical value.

Crypto Kept on Synology (NAS)

We have plans to create a “Family NAS Association Network” where each family owns their own NAS and these are linked together within a closed network that includes only members of our association. One of the functions of the family-owned NAS is to be used for hosting their own crypto currency and finances. See the link “Synology NAS” for more details.

New Financial System

We are currently working on plans to create a new financial system that is not controlled nor based upon a system of corruption and over-multiplication of fiat currency. Instead our system will be based on assets of actual physical value. See the link “New Financial System” for more details.