Liberals Hate Humans

Image Credit: European Film Awards

Above is an image from a movie called “Mongol” which depicts a segment of the “Mongol-Horde” that in the 12th and 13th centuries conquered the largest continuous land-empire on earth (more than twice the size of the Roman empire). It was estimated that the Mongols destroyed over 40-million people during the expansion of their empire.

Human Culling Praised by Liberals

But the focus of this article is on how liberals are “fixated” with the culling of so many humans and how they praised the destruction of over 40-million people as being good for the environment!

See the following liberal news article links celebrating culling human populations:

Genghis Khan killed so many People it was Good for the Environment

Why Genghis Khan was Good for the Planet

How Genghis Khan Cooled the Planet

Liberals are ecstatic at the thought of culling millions of humans from the earth and it shows in all of their “talking points” regurgitated endlessly by all of these liberal reporters.

Liberals Celebrate Nuclear Disaster

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster was the worst man-made disaster in history causing radiation to spread over a huge area making it radioactive and toxic to humans for thousands of years to come. But as is typical of liberals they are celebrating the removal of humans so that wildlife can can return again.

See the following liberal news articles celebrating human demise and the rise of wildlife:

Chernobyl: Why the Nuclear Disaster was an Accidental Environmental Success

Wildlife Takeover – How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl

Animals Rule Chernobyl Three Decades After Nuclear Disaster

The world’s most unlikely nature reserve: Wildlife is thriving in Chernobyl

The Chernobyl accident turned the entire region into a nuclear wasteland. The water in the streams and lakes and wells in this region is all toxic. Any fruit grown in that region is radioactive and any crops grown in that contaminated soil are all radioactive. The fish are radioactive and any wildlife in that region are all radioactive. No crops or fruit or fish or wildlife or livestock in that region can be eaten because they are toxic to humans. Many plant and animal species have suffered mutations and radiation testing on dead wildlife shows that they are all radioactive. How could this be a victory in the eyes of liberals? This is only because liberals hate humans and would like to see the whole earth depopulated and go feral and become a nuclear wasteland devoid of any human habitation.

This is why liberals push for having government sponsored abortions in America which have culled hundreds of millions of people before birth. They view humans as “noxious weeds” to be culled and therefore they promote abortions and birth control so as not to bring any more of these so-called “evil-human-consumers” into the earth.

The talking points of the liberals are all the same and show that there are numerous liberals in western nations who praise Genghis Khan for killing over 40-million people. They rejoice in the Chernobyl region becoming a nuclear wasteland and they rejoice in the arrival of European diseases that wiped out entire native populations in the American continent and within the region of the Amazon where huge populations were decimated by foreign diseases.

A short internet search will reveal numerous articles about how liberals want to depopulate the earth. I collected many links and articles about this liberal obsession with “world depopulation” but this begs the question: “Why do these liberals hate people and want to cull the world’s population?” And why are we even repeating the words of these insane liberal people (who have a reprobate mind)?”

I only mention this topic in passing because liberal-run governments in western nations are continually fostering policies that promote abortion and birth control and even seek to develop technology toward engineering human depopulation (in their quest to save the earth from humans). There are liberals in western nations who have publicly stated they would like to reduce the world population by 94%.

New Vaccines Funded by Liberals to Lower World Population

It should be noted that liberals have been creating so-called “vaccines” for the purpose of lowering human population. These vaccines have been proven to be destroy the natural immunity system of people to make them more susceptible to future planned pandemics. See the link “The Globalist-Great Reset” for more details.

Liberal Induced Shame for Being Alive as a Human

If people listen to the constant rhetoric of these godless liberals, they will begin to take on “liberal shame” (for being alive as humans) and many people will abandon procreation. This is probably the reason behind the current “pet-craze” in western nations where people replace having human babies with “furry-babies” treating animals as if they were humans. Liberals do not mind people having pets but they hate people bearing human children (which are considered to be enemies of the environment). So married couples were shamed into not having children and instead they have replaced children with “pets” (as they seek to find something to love).

See the link “Having Pets Instead of Kids“ for more details.

But this “pet-craze” is perversion and goes against God’s command for people to be fruitful and multiply on the earth.

Genesis 1:27–28 (NASB95)
27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

God created humans as male and female and gave married couples the power to procreate. Two males together cannot produce offspring naturally and two females together cannot produce offspring naturally. Only male and female couples can procreate naturally.

Romans 1:26–27 (NASB95)
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural,
27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

The godless perverted lesbian women exchanged the natural function of sexual relations with men for that which is unnatural and the homosexual men abandoned the natural function of sexual relations with the woman and burned with lust for one another. It is this “liberal-point-of-view” [that humans are noxious weeds to be culled] that greatly influenced people to stop getting married and to stop having children (in order to save the environment). Now these same people think that they are doing the world a favor by not having children (so sex is no longer used for procreation among reprobate people) but is used only for sexual perversion and self-indulgence. No wonder it seems like homosexuals are taking over the world (even forcing their sodomite indoctrination upon children of heterosexuals) in public schools by authorization of western liberal laws.

Again, all of the agenda of liberals is always geared toward depopulating the earth. They legalize abortion and push birth control. They engineer viruses to be more deadly to humans and they engineer “false vaccines” that are designed only to degrade human immunity so that people will not be able to resist their next engineered virus. Liberals in California cut off water supplies to humans turning the most productive agricultural regions in the nation into dry desolation and feral land (while they send trillions of cubic meters of fresh water into the ocean) and cause water shortages that force people to leave the barren dry “liberal-run” state of California.

Again, this begs the question, “Why do liberals hate humans so much and why do they seek to have the world population culled?”

John 8:44 (NASB95)
44 “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Until people understand things from a spiritual perspective, they will never understand why liberals hate humans so much and why liberals want to have the human population decimated. The scripture above speaks of how wicked people carry the thoughts and plans and agenda of their father the devil. The western liberals are all children of the devil and these demonic people (have taken over western governments and taken over western education and taken over western social media and western news) and have even infiltrated the carnal western church. These liberals therefore carry out the plans and purposes of their father the devil. The devil was a murderer from the beginning and is the father of lies. He inspires liberals with the lie of “Global Warming” and the imaginary need to cull human population in order to save the world. Every lie put out by the liberals has been inspired by their father the devil and acting upon these satanic lies results in the decimation of the human population on earth. Just shaming married couples from having children is possibly the worst threat to the human population, when people stop having children altogether and drive the world toward human extinction. Western nations all over the world have falling birth rates (which are now below human replacement rates) and so they are now headed toward extinction.

The liberals falsely suppose that the earth’s resources are like a pie and everyone is fighting to have a piece of that pie. But this false narrative is against what God has said in the bible when God speaks about the “fullness” of the earth. If anyone wants food, they only have to follow the laws of seedtime and harvest and plant crops. The production of the earth is based upon the principle of seedtime and harvest. If a man wants to eat apples for example, then he has to have the foresight to plant apple trees! When his apple orchard begins producing apples then he will have thousands of kilos of apples to eat and many times more apples than what his own family can consume. This “over-abundance” of food is an example of operating the laws of seedtime and harvest. The earth is governed by seedtime and harvest and humans are “producers” and “creators” just as God is also a Creator. Humans are made in the image of God and they can grow food and manufacture products and develop resources in unlimited manner. People are not just consumers “like weeds” that need to be culled. Instead, humans are innovators and creators and can produce more food in unlimited manner (no matter how large the population of earth may grow). We can always feed all the world by the application of the laws of seedtime and harvest and utilizing modern agricultural technology.

See the link “People are Essential” for more details.

Carbon dioxide is not a problem because plants and algae need C02 and they convert it into oxygen needed by humans and animal life. The world is made with God’s wisdom so that plants and humans work together to create a balance of nature and live in harmony one with another. This means CO2 can be managed and oxygen for humans and animals can be produced. It is therefore a “demonic lie” that liberals push that says that the human population of earth must be culled by 94% in order to save the planet. The exact opposite is true and the earth was created in all of its fullness as a habitation for humans. The more humans that are born, the more the earth can produce food and oxygen and all of this can be achieved by technology invented by humans who are producers and creators.

Again, it must be emphasized that “Humans are Essential” to the earth and God created the earth as a habitation for humans and the “fullness of the earth” refers to the fact that the more people that exist, the more we can produce food and oxygen and everything needed to cause humans to thrive. The world operates by the law of seedtime and harvest so we can produce more food in proportion to a growing population. The liberal false narrative is based on the lies of their father the devil who hates humans and wants to have them all culled.

John 10:10 (NASB95)
10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

Satan is the thief who wants only to kill humans and destroy them and it is Satan who instigates wars and he inspires wicked people (like liberals) to devise ways to cull the human population of the earth. Satan’s only weapon is deception and he can deceive gullible liberals to fulfill his satanic agenda to reduce human population on earth.

Isaiah 14:13–17 (NASB95)
13 “But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north.
14 ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’
15 “Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, To the recesses of the pit.
16 “Those who see you will gaze at you, They will ponder over you, saying, ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world like a wilderness And overthrew its cities, Who did not allow his prisoners to go home?’

Satan originally held a high position in heaven but he was cast out because of his great pride. He vainly said that he would ascend to heaven and raise his throne above the stars of God and even boasted that he would become like the Most High God! When Satan was cast down to the earth then he destroyed the earth and made it into a wilderness and overthrew its cities. Satan is a destroyer and he hates humans because they are made in the image of God and humans are the object of God’s love.

Job 4:15–19 (NASB95)
15 “Then a spirit passed by my face; The hair of my flesh bristled up.
16 “It stood still, but I could not discern its appearance; A form was before my eyes; There was silence, then I heard a voice:
17 ‘Can mankind be just before God? Can a man be pure before his Maker?
18 ‘He puts no trust even in His servants; And against His angels He charges error.
19 ‘How much more those who dwell in houses of clay, Whose foundation is in the dust, Who are crushed before the moth!

The book of Job records the words spoken by an evil spirit and this reveals the disdain and utter contempt that Satan and demons have for humans. Humans have bodies made of the dust of the earth (clay) and demons refer to them in despairing manner saying that they are more fragile than a moth!

Humans are created in the image of God and are the center of God’s love and attention and were given a human freewill to decide to love God freely. For all of these reasons Satan hates humans and is jealous of them and the only way that Satan can inflect pain upon God is to hurt and destroy humans (who are the object of God’s love). This is why Satan kills and steals and destroys and instigates wars and is the author of sickness and creates poverty and famine and plagues to kill as many humans as possible.

See the link “The Origin and Operation of Demons” for more details.

It is time for God’s people to ascribe the “lunacy” of liberal reprobate thoughts to the real source from where it is derived. This liberal reprobate thinking (that seeks to depopulate earth and destroy all prosperity) comes from Satan who wants to kill and steal and destroy. Satan has found some “useful idiots” in the form of these liberals (and their feminine thinking) which are so prone toward deception.

See the link “Women Destroy Civilization” for more details.

It is these liberals and their women-led western society, which carry out the plans and purposes and agenda of Satan upon the earth. This is why it was commanded that women submit to male authority because when the first woman Eve (listened to Satan) and then assumed leadership over her man – she then brought a curse to the entire earth. The same is true wherever women assume civil leadership positions and introduce their feminine thinking of “equality-for-all” which results in the destruction of everything that was good and prosperous within the civilizations built by men upon the earth.

It is a lie that humans must be culled because in fact, humans are essential in creating wealth and growing food and creating prosperity for everyone on earth.

Liberal Climate Change Hysteria

The liberal climate change agenda seeks to push the “shut-down” of the energy industry (on which human civilization depends). Shutting down this energy industry would force a major reduction in the world population. The current world-population cannot be sustained if fossil fuels are cancelled by liberals. This liberal climate change “ideology” has become a new “satanic religion” which is based upon the goal of world depopulation. The fact remains that world’s population would collapse if energy was cancelled because fossil fuels are used in everything in modern agriculture (including fertilizer production) which is essential to grow food in order to feed the whole population of earth.

God has created the earth with an abundance of hydrocarbon-energy and every time liberals say that oil and gas are running out then we discover more new sources of hydrocarbons. Israel became energy independent (even when there were no hydrocarbons found anywhere within all the land of Israel). This energy independence occurred after they discovered huge natural gas deposits off the coast of Israel (under the ocean). These “never before discovered energy reserves” changed everything in Israel because the cost of everything is linked to the price of energy needed to produce food and products necessary to sustain human population.

Yet despite liberal climate change hysteria (used to shut down the US energy industry), crop yields have been getting better all of the time. As C02 levels increase, this also increases the ability for plants to grow and produce more food. This is a good thing because more food means that we can feed more people. This is done in God’s divine wisdom so that the earth can increase food production together with the increased human population on earth. Increased C02 is a good thing together with modern agricultural technology which enables us to feed the whole world.

See the link “Increasing CO2 = Record Crop Harvests” for more details.

See the link “More Carbon Dioxide is Good, Less is Bad” for more details.

As the human population increases and more CO2 is produced, then this can be used to grow more food for humans to eat. It is evident that burning of fossil fuels increases C02 and this increases crop harvests because plants used C02 in their growth cycle.

See the link “The Carbon Cycle (CO2 Cycle” for more details.

Liberals do not like having their “climate change” lies being challenged by the truth. Unfortunately, most social media platforms are controlled by liberals. Social media outlets like Facebook and Utube and internet search engines like Google largely promote the views of liberals only. This is how these liberals can easily promote their false narratives (even hiding search results) for anyone who opposes their liberal false narratives with the truth. Liberal so-called “Fact-Checkers” typically dispense only deceitful (doctored evidence) which is chosen only to support their own false narratives.

See the link “Biased Reporting on Global Warning Ignores Cold” for more details.

Liberals need to manufacture their own false evidence in order to support their wild claims of climate change. It is the hoax of climate change that perpetuates all of their “demonic agenda” of having to cull a large percentage of the world’s population. But nothing could be farther from the truth! Shutting down energy would force a world population cull by famine because we could not produce the food needed to feed the world (without fossil energy).

See the link “Climate News” for more information on topics related to the climate change hoax.

Nations Collapse when they go Green

One example of a nation that fell into total economic collapse is when Sri Lanka went woke and tried to ban the use of fertilizers in order to save the planet. When the country banned fertilizer, the food production fell over 50% and instead of exporting food they created a manmade famine.

See the video link “The Green’s New Target” for more details.

Video Link