Godless Moral Bankruptcy
Communist China bans the bible and outlaws Christianity and this has resulted in the moral bankruptcy of Communist China. This lack of godly morals (which are derived from the bible) is evident in the example of how godless Chinese building contractors are stealing as many funds as possible for themselves out of every project. This has resulted in numerous cases of projects like apartment buildings and bridges and other infrastructure falling apart because of substandard building practices. These substandard buildings fall part so easily they have been dubbed as “Tofu-Dreg Construction” because they are as fragile as tofu.
Chinese Tofu Dreg Construction
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video link:

In this example, the Chinese people invested their life-savings into construction companies that were supposed to build them housing. However, the crooked contractors built fake buildings that were substandard and pocketed most of the money for themselves. In the image above the supporting concrete posts can be cracked to pieces simply by tapping on them with a plastic bottle. This is an example of what happens when the godless CCP eradicate all morals and ban Christianity and remove the bible from all society. Without godly morals, people become godless and do not fear to cheat and scam and steal building funds for themselves (as these contractors did in making these fake ghost projects). There is a huge problem with this type of corruption, so much so that many buildings and bridges and other infrastructure are found to be deficit and substandard and had to be destroyed because they were unsafe.
Proverbs 14:34 (NASB95)
34 Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.
This scripture could also be translated as “Righteousness Builds A Nation” because without “righteousness” no nation can progress. This can be seen in this situation in China where projects have to be destroyed because they were built substandard (as dishonest contractors embezzled the money for themselves). Having to constantly rebuild failed projects is something that is not going to help any nation progress. This is why moral biblical issues such as honesty and justice and integrity are so vital to nation building. Without any morals the people will become evil and selfish and steal and cheat and rob and the whole society will fall apart. No nation can make any progress without a strong moral foundation (as is taught by the bible).
It is extremely foolish of a government to punish and imprison and even torture people for believing in the bible (as the CCP does). They are actually attacking their best and most honest citizens who could have helped them to build their nation and could have caused it to be uplifted by practicing righteousness.
Construction Projects Demolished in China
Note: Clicking on the images below will open the associated video links:

There are numerous videos on Utube that show construction projects and bridges and other infrastructure being demolished in China. Most often the root cause of this widespread demolition is due to moral corruption. This occurred because the godless CCP has removed the bible and all morals from Chinese society. Thus it seems to be normal behavior of those who cheat and steal and scam and do other evil. Abolishing Christianity and biblical moral values leaves only a limited number of people who fear God and obey God’s commands. Again, it cannot be emphasized enough that a moral foundation is key for nation building. Without a moral foundation no nation can progress but will fall into anarchy and chaos and disorder as everyone cheats and steals from top to bottom and there is no more morals or honesty or justice to be found throughout the land.