People Fleeing Godless West for Russia

Image Credit: Russian Code

Jozef moved to Russia from Texas (with his Australian wife Ann) and their six children. Jozef and his family have traditional Catholic values which includes the importance of having children. The reason that they decided to come to Russia is because Russian President Putin has placed LGBT on an extremist list and also outlawed satanism. These are real civil decrees against these evil practices which are backed up with Russian legislation.

This anti-sodomite legislation in Russia is the exact opposite of the liberal-controlled USA that is promoting sodomy and even forcing this evil ideology upon children in the school systems. Jozef shared how that at the time of their departure there were already six-US states that had all passed laws (within three months of each other) that would legalize sex-change surgery upon children in schools even without their parent’s consent. If for example, a five-year old boy was convinced at school to become a girl then the teachers could have this sex-change procedure (biological hacking) preformed upon the child (without the knowledge of his parents).

Also, the FBI in the USA has placed traditional Catholics on a domestic terror list because traditional Catholics do not accept the new perverse liberal agenda. This is in stark contrast to Russia and President Putin who confirmed that the purpose of marriage between a man and woman is to procreate and have children. See the video link below:

Image Credit: Russian Code

Putin publicly stated that many western nations are destroying family values and are now headed toward degeneration and extinction. It is for this reason that this Catholic man Jozef and his family sought refuge in Russia. In Russia having children is something that is still valued. Children are so important in Russia that they are esteemed in value like gold! This is totally opposite of the degenerate west whose liberal ideology promotes the idea that humans are evil and should be culled in order to save the planet.

When in the States, Jozef said that godless liberals would sarcastically asked his wife, “You know what causes this, right?” while pointing at all of her children. The liberals see children like a disease and a curse to the planet instead of the blessing that they really are.

For this and many other reasons Jozef relocated with his entire family to Russia. In the States, there was a real danger that children could be taken away from their parents by liberals (who gained control of key positions of authority within US society). So Jozef and his wife tried to keep their plans of leaving the US quiet because they did not want to risk having their children taken from them (by liberals before they could move the entire family to the safety of Russia).

Even though there are a lot of challenges to move to a foreign country, this man and his wife both felt it was well worth any struggle they experienced just to get away from the liberal “oppression” that they felt in the states as conservative people who have family values.

In Russia, Jozef does not have any fear that someone might drive by and just snatch one of his children and take off with them. For example, he knew of a pedophilia ring that was once operating within a theme park in Kansas City USA. Thousands of children disappeared over the years and it was all later traced to this pedophilia ring that was in operation at that time. Eventually the ring was terminated but those unfortunate children who were kidnapped were forever gone and never heard from again.

One blessing of being in Russia is that the Russian people know how to separate good citizens from their evil government. He arrived with apprehension that the Russian people might not accept him as an American citizen but he found that the opposite was true. The Russian people said that they love Americans but only hate the corrupt (liberal controlled) US government (not the American people themselves).

The cost of healthcare in Russia is a fraction of what it is in the USA, showing that the Russians care about people and do not want to make “huge-profits” off of people who need medical help. Also there are foods sold in America that are banned as toxic to humans in other nations outside of the USA. Permitting people to consume toxins in the US is caused by the corporate greed of US companies which seek to make profit off of making people sick and for the selling of pharmacal drugs. This is something that does not happen in Russia and so this is a “pleasant-type” of culture shock for those arriving in Russia to find that Russian companies and doctors are not trying to exploit them (as is presently occurring in the western nations which they fled from). The medical services in Russia are so outstanding and reasonably priced that it is possible that people from all other nations could seek to go to Russia for medical treatment (if Russia ever had some type of “medical tourism” available for those foreigners who need affordable and quality medical services).