Header Image Credit: Hans Hillewaert

The header image above is that of the “Rosetta Stone” on display in the British Museum. The Rosetta Stone was inscribed with three versions of a decree in Memphis Egypt in 196 B.C. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian and Demotic scripts while the bottom text is in Ancient Greek. The decree had only minor differences between the three translations making the Rosetta Stone the key to deciphering the Egyptian scripts.

Thus, having a known language saying the same thing as two unknown languages was the key to deciphering the unknown languages.

Assimilating Multiple Languages

The Jewish people provide a good example of how people can learn multiple languages at the same time. They use Hebrew for the study of the sacred scriptures and Yiddish for communication among fellow Jews and a local language of residence to communicate with Gentiles. A Jewish person living in New York may speak Hebrew, Yiddish, and English while a Jewish person living in a country of central or South America may speak Hebrew, Yiddish and Spanish. They also do not have a problem with confusing the languages and can switch between them fluently.

Known Language as a Bridge to Unknown

In the same way that a known language can be used to decipher unknown languages, so we can also use a known language like Korean to help Koreans learn both English and Russia. In like manner Russian speaking people can use their known language to learn both Korean and English while English speakers can use their known language to decipher both Russian and Korean. In this manner everyone within our economic zone can communicate freely using one of the three trade languages established for use within our economic zone.

Korean Language Study Topics

In order to begin assimilating a language, it is important to get down the basics first. The basics of learning the alphabet and word pronunciation is vitally important. If the student tries to short-cut this process then they will later run into problems and will have difficulty progressing beyond the introductory level. This mistake of “skipping the basics” will forced them to start over again from the beginning. We therefore have included some introductory lessons in Korean language (Hangul) which are a good starting point for beginners. These will provide a good foundation for them to begin acquiring the Hangul language. We have saved these lessons to our website in the event that these lessons are ever removed from Utube but we have also credited the lessons source for students who want to go further with the associated language study program which sponsored these lessons.
See the link “Hangul Language Study” for more details.

Language Study Topics

Below is an “example” of one of the language lessons that was translated into English and Korean and Russian using Google translate. These three languages were placed “side-by-side” in three separate columns so that the students can compare the languages to one another.


Part of being a man is knowing when they need to fight and realizing what is worth fighting for. If a man’s liberties are threatened then nothing else matters but to focus on the national defense of his own homeland. Fighting for one’s homeland is fighting for that thing which is the most important to men. It is the “homeland” collectively that represents the environment where a man raises his family and where his children and grandchildren after him will continue to carry on their way of life for the following generations.

Men are called by God to be leaders and providers and protectors of their own families. It is the role of “protector” which best defines why men must go to war. The essence of why men go it war is about defending their families.

2 Samuel 10:12 (NIV)

12 Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight.”


인간은 하나님으로부터 자신의 가족의 지도자, 공급자, 보호자로 부름을 받았습니다. 인간이 전쟁을 해야 하는 이유를 가장 잘 정의하는 것은 “보호자”의 역할입니다. 남자들이 전쟁을 하는 이유의 본질은 가족을 지키기 위한 것입니다.

남자가 되는 것의 일부는 그들이 언제 싸워야 하는지 알고 무엇을 위해 싸울 가치가 있는지 깨닫는 것입니다. 사람의 자유가 위협받는다면 자기 조국의 국방에 집중하는 것 외에는 아무 것도 중요하지 않습니다. 조국을 위해 싸우는 것은 인간에게 가장 중요한 것을 위해 싸우는 것입니다. 한 남자가 가족을 부양하고 그의 후손들과 손자들이 다음 세대를 이어갈 환경을 집합적으로 나타내는 것은 ‘고향’입니다.

사무엘하 10:12 (NIV)

12 힘을 내어 우리 백성과 우리 하나님의 성읍들을 위하여 용감히 싸우자 여호와께서 그 보시기에 선한 일을 행하시리로다.”


Мужчины призваны Богом быть лидерами, кормильцами и защитниками своих семей. Именно роль «защитника» лучше всего определяет, почему мужчины должны идти на войну. Суть того, почему мужчины идут на войну, заключается в защите своих семей.

Часть того, чтобы быть мужчиной, это знать, когда им нужно сражаться, и понимать, за что стоит бороться. Если свободы человека находятся под угрозой, то ничто другое не имеет значения, кроме как сосредоточиться на национальной защите своей родины. Борьба за Родину — это борьба за то, что для человека важнее всего. Именно «родина» в совокупности представляет собой среду, в которой человек воспитывает свою семью и где его дети и внуки после него продолжат свой образ жизни для следующих поколений.

2 Царств 10:12 (НИВ)

12 Будьте сильными и будем храбро сражаться за наш народ и города нашего Бога. Господь сотворит благо в очах Своих».

These bible-based language learning subjects also serve a dual-purpose in that they also teach biblical principles while at the same time helping students to acquire language skills. See the following link for our various trilingual language courses:

KMI2 Trilingual Language Courses