Weeping in the Spirit

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Weeping in the Spirit


Spiritual weeping has to do with milestones or markers in the spirit realm. A milestone is something that marks off distance along a road so those who travel can measure their progress or where they are at and how far they have to go.

Spiritual weeping is not the same as human weeping of the emotions that occurs when a person has had something sad occur or a tragedy in their life or some great loss.

Spiritual weeping is something that weeps because a new level has been obtained. It weeps for the pain and sacrifice and the great amount of years it took to arrive at this new level. It also weeps because of the new struggles and obstacles that will have to be overcome on this new level. You are constantly making new levels and there are new challenges on each new level. But at the same time, you are growing stronger so in a sense it also becomes easier the higher you go in God because you have more spiritual strength and grace to go with you on each new level.

Also, Helen and you have both experienced this spiritual weeping. Helen did so in Bible school when she said she would rather stay single than marry a certain man. She did not even realize it at the time but she made a decision to separate herself to the will of God at that moment. She was saying that she would not just marry anyone but would wait for the will of God.

I hear the cry of the heart says the Lord and the cry of the heart often goes beyond just words. You got saved in this manner as the cry of your heart was that you wanted to be changed and wanted to know God. The manner in which you prayed was not exactly as you are taught to pray in an evangelism class. But your cry of the heart was heard by Me says the Lord.

Cornelius was also a man whose heart cried out to Me. I sent an angel and arranged the meeting with Peter for this purpose says the Lord so that he and his household might be saved. Even some Catholic nuns that you met were saved because of their cry of the heart to Me says the Lord. I can move on anyone whose heart cries out to Me says the Lord. So, your heart is crying out for more of Me says the Lord. This is why you sense the weeping of the spirit within.

When you broke up with the girl you were friends with in Tulsa, you began to weep convulsively because this was a spiritual weeping. You entered into a new level of consecration to Me at this time says the Lord. This consecration held you pure and separated for your marriage to Helen (the one I had prepared for you says the Lord!). So, a weeping took place, as your spirit man also knew how long the wait would be until you and Helen were ready to meet each other. There would be many more trials and temptations before you could become one-flesh or one-person together and there were many more years to pass before you finally met Helen in 1996.

Both of your spiritual weeping took place in 1986. So, this was ten-years before you were joined to the one that I had called you to marry. A decade of time and many trials and temptations, and testing and character development went on during those ten-years says the Lord. There was a cry of your heart or weeping for the loneliness that you also had to endure as you waited for the one, I had chosen for you.

You were longing for a soul mate that could understand you and flow with you and you never met anyone like this until you met Helen. Your souls are knit together as one now. You were so lonely for Helen because it seems that only she can understand you, as she is a soul mate for you. This means that you have become one in emotions, thoughts, purpose, and love for each other.

All people long for a soul mate and becoming one with another person in this manner. You two are blessed above most couples to have discovered this in each other says the Lord. You can only experience this on earth if you can hear God and obey God to marry the right person that was made for you says the Lord. Many people mess up their lives by marrying the wrong person says the Lord.

I do have special plans for the lives of My children but they have to exercise faith and obey Me and wait for My plan or they will miss it says the Lord. So, Helen was also weeping in her Bible School because she knew in her spirit that there were many more years to pass before she could be joined with the one that I had created for her. I already told you about how I used the situation of you breaking up with Helen and then caused Helen call you and heal your heart by showing love to you even after you rejected her.

She was weeping about this also back in her Bible school days in London. Her spirit knew the pain she would experience before she experienced it says the Lord.

So spiritual weeping comes most often when you make a new level. There is no time or distance in the spirit realm so you can actually weep over things that have not yet come to pass.

So spiritual weeping is like a woman crying for her daughter at a wedding. She is weeping for sorrow for losing her only child as this child grew up and entered into another level. She is also weeping for joy because her daughter is so happy and full of love and the mother is happy for her. She can also weep for knowing that there are hard times ahead for her daughter because she will have to make it through marriage adjustments.

But most of the weeping is for joy because new levels offer new promise of greater things says the Lord. So, it is with your spiritual weeping. It is not for sorrow of loss but for the changes that have taken place as you made this new level. There is great promise and also great things to overcome. But this is all part of growing up and spiritual weeping marks the entry to a new level. These new levels are gained by consecration to the Lord.

Romans 8:26-27 (NIV)

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

It is your spirit man weeping, as your spirit can perceive spiritual things because it is alive to the Spirit of God who knows all things says the Lord.