Fear of Pregnancy
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Fear of pregnancy
As I had some kind of knowing inside someday marry a foreigner in my child hood, I went to the Nurses Aid School which provided job offerings in America after the coursed was finished. This sounded good to me and I thought I might meet my soulmate in this manner. We were all sent to the General Hospital for the first time practicing on one occasion and that’s when I saw women giving birth to a child, and the doctor used scissors to cut the women’s birth canal. Somehow, the fear had developed in me and I determined not to have children in the future. At that hospital I found out that a nursing job was not something suited for someone like me so I quit that school. But this was all a part of defining my purpose in life and I discovered I had no grace for things related to nursing or being a nurses aid.
When Ken brought this message below concerning fear in me; I took out only the part concerning me; saw immediately what God was saying ‘the truth’ that same day I submitted it to the Lord and God said, I passed the test!
The Word of Knowledge for Helen
… Helen has a fear of pregnancy. Presently she is too self-centered and interested only in her own comfort or convenience. Pregnancy is actually an area that Helen has not given to me says the Lord. Some have done similar things about fearing being a missionary. They feared that if they made me Lord of every area of their lives, then I might make them do the thing they so greatly feared.
I require obedience in every area says the Lord. If I do not require them to go, I still require them to be willing because any refusal would demonstrate an area of rebellion in their lives. This is an area that is holding Helen back spiritually because this is an area not yet fully submitted to me says the Lord.
Remember King Saul! Even if a person submits to me in 99% but has only one area which they refuse to give me lordship over then I call this rebellion and witchcraft. Helen seems to feel that faith would not apply to pregnancy and the responsibility that comes with it. My grace is sufficient for all things with no exceptions. The same faith that applied to finances and healing also applies to this area. Again the thing I require is complete consecration and obedience!
My children must be willing to do anything for me without exceptions. I cannot tolerate anything in their lives where they say. “I will do anything except this one thing. That “one thing” then becomes a point of rebellion and resistance against me says the Lord. Those who fear being a missionary are foolish because if they have no desire to be one then it is obviously not my will for them to go. In their ignorance however, they make it a point of rebellion and even risk going to hell in fear they might have to obey me if I should ask. They create an obstruction between me and them that is unnecessary. This obstruction, however, can hinder them the rest of their lives from entering the fullness of what I have for them says the Lord.
Tell Helen that if she takes care of this obstruction, then she will experience the release she has been seeking. Tell Helen, I love her and have plan for her life. Whatever I call her to do will be the best for her. She needs to let go and trust me says the Lord. I give grace and anointing for all that I call my children to do. There is no excuse to hold back in any area or for any reason. Do not hold anything back from me says the Lord. And I will be free to release all that heart desires!