Apostle Poem
The Apostle Poem speaks of the masculine nature of an Apostle’s ministry which is much like the rod of correction given by a father’s discipline. In the same way that a father disciplines his son for his own good so the Apostle offers masculine rebuke and correction that will help believers finish their race on earth. If believers want to receive only feminine-type of exhortation and comfort they will never change or grow spiritually and will not finish their race and earth and will end up in hell. It is for this reason God gives the masculine gift of Apostle to provide ministry that is masculine in nature like the discipline of a father for his son.
See the link “Apostle Abolish Disorder” for more details.
Apostle Poem
Since the age of the Old Testament era has come to a close and is now all done
A new ministry office has been added which must not be shunned.
If the Fivefold ministry can be compared to a bunch of flowers in a bouquet
Then the Apostle is one that seems to be a flower that is now considered to be a stray.
A rose is pretty and elegant and has a delicate fragrance which does allure.
But there are thorns on the stem and they cannot be handled lightly and that is for sure.
How can something so beautiful have thorns that can cause pain to the touch
When in fact God made the rose that way and no other is as such.
The Apostle is like a rose that can cause pain to the touch
But sometimes pain can be good for you even if it may at times seem too much.
Another comparison is that of an apostle to the correction of a rod.
If a child is only pampered by a mom, he will remain as life-long useless until he is under the sod.
How wonderful it is to be an infant who is the center of his mother’s care.
But a man cannot remain a child forever but must grow up and responsibility he must bear.
Spiritual growth in humans is exactly the same.
They cannot remain forever in comfort or they will end up as a shame.
A son who is pampered and shielded and protected by his mum
Will grow up to be worthless and spineless and forever a bum.
God created both the husband and his wife.
Humans also need masculine-love to develop normally in life.
Masculine love is different than the love and pampering of a mom.
Masculine love uses a rod of correction and applies a stroke of discipline without a qualm.
A masculine man knows that real love is to do what is right for their son
They correct their bad behavior so that worthless ways they will have none.
If a mother allows her boy to stay home and sleep in the bed
She will raise a bum who is not responsible but moved by his feelings instead.
A man does right for his son knowing that one day his own family he will have to care.
How can a man care for a family when his mother taught him to do nothing but sit and stare?
Spiritually also we are engaged in a race on this earth.
We have to be an overcomer and finding a real man has now become a dearth.
Males raised by women are no men at all.
The same is true for believers who have no discipline and like babies do crawl.
It is time to put away the spiritual baby bottle and diapers and that is for sure.
The masculine rod of correction given by an Apostle is most certainly the cure.
A Pastor is a feminine gift which only comforts and pampers just like a mom.
Those who are raised by a Pastor only expect to be cuddled just enjoying the balm.
What happens when they have been believers for decades on end
But they have never progressed or advanced and their evil lazy ways they did not mend?
When they do not finish their race, and are disqualified as a lazy bum
They will have no one to blame but their feminine Pastor who treated them like a mum.
If people reject the masculine office of Apostle it is the same as rejecting the rod of their dad
Things will turn out bad for them and their eternal damnation will really be bad!
It would be better not to be saved than to be saved and then turn back from God.
None raised by feminine pampering will enter heaven because in their race they do slowly plod.
It will take discipline and overcoming and having a backbone of steel
If the goal of heaven is to be obtained and before the glorious God, they will kneel.
If a man wants to make it to the end of his race on earth
He will need to be disciplined and rebuked to enter heaven’s berth.
An Apostle is the man for the job
Of getting people ready for heaven rather than they remain as a lazy and ignorant slob.
It takes both a man and a woman to raise a son to be successful in his adult life.
Casting away a man’s love expressed in discipline it particularly rife.
Should we only acknowledge the feminine love of the Pastor
Then ignore the masculine love of the Apostle who can get people to heaven much faster?
Since when has the woman’s type of love become the only thing important on earth?
Shall we throw out the masculine love of an Apostle and create a manly dearth?
A child needs a father’s rebuke as soon as he is weaned from the breast.
A masculine rod of correction will train the child to do that which is best.
A generation of sissies are the result of the lack of the discipline provided by a dad.
Having a society of wimpy and weak males who lack a father’s correction is really sad.
Shall we throw out the father and only embrace a woman’s point of view?
That is not something that is good for either me or for you!
Throwing out the Apostle with his rod of correction and rebuke
Is the same as throwing out fathers and having only women-raised boys that will make all of us puke!
An effeminate boy that was raised only by the comfort of a mum
This is the reason males in present day society are worthless and complete and total bums.
The church is no different and it is plain for all to see
It is the masculine love of an Apostle which is needed for you and for me.
No gifts should be discarded and that applies to the Apostle for sure.
For dysfunctional and spineless believers, the Apostle is the cure.
An Apostle will rebuke disorder and those who do not follow God’s protocol.
Better a rebuke from someone who loves you than flattery that will make you eternally fall.
If a believer has nothing except comfort and exhortation and a pat on the back
They will be deficit in their character and their manly qualities they will lack.
It takes a real man to overcome and enter into heaven’s pearly gate.
No weak and sissy woman-raised boy will be man enough to alter his fate.
All those who do not overcome and finish their race on this earth
Will end up being rejected as a castaway who never enters heaven’s berth.
The conclusion of all this matter can be seen from this poem and it has been now made clear
Without an Apostle’s masculine rebuke believers will not mature properly and be as strong as a deer.
If the believers ignore the Apostle and follow only the mother’s love found in the Pastor
They are missing out on the most important ministry and they are headed for disaster.
True masculine love does what is right for his son
The same is true of an Apostle who does not passively just let their children have fun.
Do you want to continue in flattery and comfort and pretending things are not that bad?
Or do you want to stop playing games so that your eternal life can be had?
The choice is yours and it matters whose ministry you reject or accept.
Accept only the feminine and into damnation you will be swept.
If you accept only the mother’s love and reject true masculine love that does what is right
Then you will have chosen a pathway toward damnation and that lacks eternal foresight.
God created men to provide correction that makes us turn out alright
The same is true of the rebuke of an Apostle who speaks what is right in God’s sight.
We all must grow up and accept responsibility and behave like an adult
But we cannot grow up properly spiritually if the Apostle we fail to consult.
Why accept only the feminine-type of love and reject all of the rest?
Rejecting that which is masculine is truly not something that will result in our best.
God created men and God created Apostles and that is for sure.
Both provide discipline and correction which is humanity’s most needed cure.