The book of Proverbs (chapter 31) speaks of an excellent wife and mother and reveals just how important the role of women is to the family and to the entire society. The wife and mother is the very fabric of what the family is made of and without her there would be no family. She is the factor that makes a house into a home and a place of refuge and comfort for both her husband and her children.
Today millions of women have abandoned the role of being a wife and mother and even disdained it as they pursued their own careers and focused on their own lives. Families have been destroyed by an absentee mother who leaves the family to fend for themselves or throws a loaf of white bread and peanut butter on the table and tells them to help themselves. A ruined society is made of millions of people who were brought up in dysfunctional homes where they had no mother to meet the needs of the family. The husbands depend on the wife and the children depend on her as a mother because without the woman’s role there would be no family! The mother is the foundation of the family and the very fabric of all society because the society is made of families.
God has filled the hearts of women with love and this is intended to be given to children because all humans need a mother’s love to develop normally in life. But women who have abandoned procreation and children are pouring the love God placed in their hearts upon pets instead of human children. This results in a great void in the hearts of people who have not received the love of a mother who was too distracted and self-serving to fulfill her role as a mother.
Below is a poem about a mother and her important role of creating a place of security and love for family.
A Wonderful Mother
By Kenneth Popken
A woman is an excellent thing and her price is worth more than rubies or gold!
She is the center of all family life even when her children grow old.
Without her we would all be lost like a ship adrift on the sea.
Her love and care for us is like an anchor that holds you and me.
We know that we can always run home and find that place of strength.
Mother will be there for us and listen to our cares at length.
Having a mother at home for us is a source of strength like a rock that cannot be moved.
She is one who has stuck by us, unshakable and steady and proved.
Oh, the love of a mother! What can be finer than that?
We can come home anytime for comfort or just for a friendly chat.
Without a mother we would have no source of identity or human core.
She is the center of all family life and without her we would be emotionally poor.
She gives us belonging and roots and stability and comfort and love.
She gives us inner strength like a hand in a glove!
Without a mother I would be a feral boy with no place to call home.
She is the center of my sense of belonging, no matter how far away I may roam.
Few people today can find true love on earth.
Love for humanity has become a great dearth.
But one thing that is fortunate for a human is to be born.
And greeted by a mother’s love and to be held in her arms with loving adorn.
Not everyone can find true love on earth.
But the first love we may experience is that of mother’s love at birth.
She may hold us and comfort us as the apple of her eye!
She will feed us and care for us and run to us when we cry.
She is the one who loved us from the moment of our birth.
There may be no one who loves us that much on this earth.
Who else will show us such love?
There may be no one who loves us more, except the God from above.
A selfless mother who cares for the children she does love.
Is a true gift from the loving Father above.
God has no way to show his love to his children on earth.
He uses the arms of the mother to show us His love at our birth.
Every time a mother shows love to her child.
She is showing the same love of the Father who is gentle and mild.
Woe to those whose mothers have abandoned her role.
Such women pursue their own career or purpose or goal.
But what about the thousands who were abandoned by a mother and wife.
They are left with nothing of security and have only turmoil and strife.
The greatest need of mankind is to have a mother in the home.
Without her presence and comfort, alone on earth they do roam.
Children need a mother and a husband needs a wife.
The role of women is central to all life!
Without the role of a mother we would all be lost.
The abandoning of the family by women is the greatest cost.
Lives are ruined, marriages destroyed, and children lost in the fray.
All of this disaster to comes to people when women choose their own way.
You can thank God if your mother did not choose her own way.
Or you would have been made helpless like an orphan who is lost and gone astray.
Oh the great value of women, they do not even know!
Who else on earth can give children the love that they show?
You can count it a great blessing to have a loving mother when you were born!
To hold you and comfort you whether you were happy or did mourn.
A mother is the center of all that is called family life.
Without her we would have nothing but trouble and strife.
Give praise to your mother and to her you can bless.
Without her you would have no comfort from childhood stress.
Women are the fabric of all society because society is made of family.
Oh, how blessed it is to have a mother and to be held on her knee!
Children may grow up and have gray hair of their own.
But they will never forget their mother because of her love she has shown.
Her love is shown in so many ways.
It is something we will never forget for all of our days!
To have a mother who stays at home is a rare luxury in a society that has been broke.
Women’s liberation and female careers are Satan’s master stroke!
What can a family do when they have been abandoned and left?
The loss of a wife and mother is Satan’s greatest theft.
A mother will stay with you through thick and through thin.
She will continue to love you even in all the trouble that has been.
A faithful mother will not change or run away.
She will will always be there for us and comfort us even until today!
Oh, the love of a mother must be the greatest thing on earth!
How can we do without it since it was our first love since birth?
If everyone learned to give like their mother.
We would have a world of comfort and love that is like no other!
We all must learn to remain in our place.
This is what will earn a reward if we finish our race.
Nothing counts in heaven except being faithful where you are planted.
We should never take a mother who was faithful for granted.
Without her we would be nothing and have no place to belong.
We would be lifeless robots all alone in the throng.
A mother gives us all a sense of identity.
A mother can give us emotional stability.
Oh, that all women would see their great destiny.
Female happiness is not found in a career but within the family.
God created a woman to be a helpmeet to the man.
She is a great comfort for the family and this is part of God’s plan.
Families cannot function without the woman fulfilling her proper role.
A home without a mother is as lifeless as a piece of coal.
There will be rewards in heaven for those women who were faithful as a mother and a wife.
But judgment will come for those who went their own way and destroyed their marriage with strife.
Having a good mother at home is becoming more scarce and more rare.
You can thank God if you had a mother who was always there.
May God bless all women who have been faithful in this life.
There is no more important role to family than that of a mother and wife!