Joint-Venture: Developing the Russian Far-East

Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video.

Image Credit: RealLifeLore

The video linked in the image above describes the threat posed to Russia by the revived NATO union of the European nations. It is this threat which was the primary motivation for Russia engaging in the invasion of Ukraine because they perceived the encirclement of western nations of NATO and felt the threat of invasion. This is not a wild idea because Russia has had a long history of invasions from European nations via the region of Ukraine and the Russian invasion of Ukraine was thought to provide some sort of buffer zone to this perceived threat to the Russian border.

It must be noted that the liberals under the Biden Administration placed bioweapons labs near the border of Russia within Ukraine and that threat alone would justify an invasion based on self-defense. See the link “Russia: Not as Bad as Liberals Portray” for more details.

It should be noted that under former US President Trump, Russia did not invade any other country. This is because Trump publicly stated that getting along with Russia was a good thing. This gave hope to Russia because they have been largely excluded from the world economy in many ways. But the liberals in the USA went insane at the thought of helping Russian and were screaming “Russian Collusion” continually and these “mad liberals” largely negated any attempts by Trump to normalize relations with Russia during his term in office.

In fact, NATO should have been dissolved after the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s because there was no more need for it. NATO was created to check the expansion of communism but after Soviet communism fell then NATO suddenly had no more purpose.

But after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has turned back fully to God and has become one of the strongest Christian nations in Europe. Russians were sick of the seven-decades of godless soviet rule and embraced Christianity full-heartedly after the Soviet Union collapsed. However, the European Union is largely comprised of and controlled by godless ashiest liberals who hate Christianity and herein lies their great “trouble” with Russia. These godless western liberals (including liberals in the USA) do not want to support a newly revised Christian Nation like Russia so they revived the old NATO hatred of the Soviet Union and employed this as an excuse to cut off Russia from their needed trade.

It is ironic that western nations chose to engage in economic trade with the communist Chinese and caused China to grow as an industrial super power. But they cut off Russia from trade viewing them as a greater threat. But this bad policy has come back to haunt western nations because their greatest threat today is communist China who publicly stated they want to knock the USA from their global leadership position and assume that role for themselves. It would be a great worldwide disaster if the godless CCP ruled the world and imprisoned and tortured anyone who worships any god but themselves.

Clicking on the image below will open the associated video link:

Russia is many times larger than communist China, however the Russian Far-East is sparsely populated. China was industrialized when western nations fully endorsed them for international trade with the west. Today the economic output of Russia is comparable to the economic output of the city of New York or just one small province within China. However the Russian Far-East has vast natural resources and fresh water (all of which are in great demand by the now industrialized communist China).

The Russian Far-East is sparsely populated but has every type of industrial metals and diamonds and everything needed by an industrialized country.

Image Credit: RealLifeLore

If Russia was forced to face China in a war, there would be a 13:1 ratio of Chinese troops compared to what troops Russia has available to defend their valuable resource-laden far-eastern region (located near to the resource-hungry China).

However, due to the western sanctions and largely cutting Russia off from world-trade, Russia has not been able to expand economically while the communists of China have been raking in billions of dollars and became an large industrial power via trade with western nations. This is totally perverse because it should have been the other way around and after the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s, western nations should have transferred their trade from the godless communists in China and instead supported the godly Christians in the newly formed Christian nation of Russia.

Godliness and moral foundations are the most important factor in civilization building because of people are godless they will be engaged in every type of fraud and deception and cheating and scams as is seen today among the godless Chinese.

See the link “Godless Moral Bankruptcy” for more details

Russia Has Turned Back to Christianity

Putin: Christianity is the Foundation of the Russia State

Putin: We Need to Revive Our Christian Roots – Not Communist Ones

Putin Trashes Marx and Lenin: Family is What Matters

Faith, Family, and Freedom in Today’s Russia

Herein, lies a great opportunity because Russia is not a revived Christian state so the necessary moral biblical foundation exists in Russia today. This is vastly different than the atheism promoted by the the communist party of China. The restored Russia now has the necessary “moral foundation” and they also have the resources needed for progress in civilization building. Putin offers Russian citizenship and free land to those who will come to Russia and build.

See the link “Ten-Million Russian Citizenships” for more details.

See the link “Free-Land in Russia” for more details.

See the link “Russia Offers Free Land” for more details.

Our Plan for Civilization Building in Russia

Korean Demographics

Korea’s Population Decline

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Russia: The Last Christian Empire