Escaping Western Moral Corruption

As the world heads toward the predicted “end-time” events, those who are wicked will grow increasingly more wicked. They will reject the worship of God and reject God’s laws and head toward total moral perversion. This will culminate in the arrival of the antichrist who will be completely godless in every way imaginable. Such an evil man will exalt himself over every object of worship and even seek to exalt himself over the worship of the one true God- the God of Israel and Yeshua the Jewish Messiah. This man will also have no regard for the natural desire that men have for women and will reject marriage between men and women and he will reject procreation. Sodomy will be promoted above marriage between men and women. This is currently the state of affairs in all godless liberal controlled western nations and is a “sign of the times” that the whole world is quickly headed toward godlessness and toward the rejection of God’s laws in preparation for the coming godless one-world ruler called the antichrist.

It will be at such a time as this that having a place of refuge for moral and godly people will be essential. Already godless people are persecuting those who live godly and this bad attitude will increase on earth as unbelievers plunge headlong into perversion and moral decay prior to the manifestation of their godless world leader (who is the antichrist). See the link, “Rise of the One-World Ruler” for more details.

Russia: A Moral Refuge

Russia has become a refuge for those people cherish family and Russian law has banned sex-change surgeries and the promotion of sodomy in Russian society. They also honor marriage between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.

Putin Confirms Family Values

Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video. I was unable to find back the original Utube video for image credit because western liberals who run Utube do not like to have anything posted on Utube that might promote President Putin in a good light (such as promoting family values).

Putin clearly states that the purpose of a family unit (marriage of a man and a woman) is for having children. Marriage and family are essential for the continuation of the human race. But in liberal-run western nations they falsely declare that the world is overpopulated and people should stop having children. Then these same liberals seek to redirect the natural human sex-drive away from marriage and children and push it instead toward the perversion of same-sex relations. Putin speaks about how many western nations are deliberately destroying moral norms and family values. As a result, entire nations are being pushed toward extinction and degeneration. Russia has also banned people from having sex-change surgeries to change their gender and also bans sodomites from adopting children. Russia honors married couples who procreate and have large families and this goes against everything that the degenerate liberal-controlled western nations are now promoting. It is no wonder that liberals hate Putin so much because he stands for family values and goes against every type of moral perversion which western liberals now embrace.

Russia Returned to Christianity

Putin Warns Wokeness is Destroying the West

Russian Government to Promote Conservative Values

Putin: Christianity is the Foundation of the Russia State

Putin Slams Monstrous West for teaching Children they can change Genders

Putin Trashes Marx and Lenin: Family is What Matters

Faith, Family, and Freedom in Today’s Russia

Seeking A Moral and Safe Place to Raise Families

Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated stored video:

Image Credit: Russian Code

There are many Utube videos that tell the stories of people who have moved to Russia seeking religious freedom. These people all have the same thing in common that they moved to Russia in order that they might raise their families within an moral and godly environment without the perverse standards of liberals being forced upon them and their children. When this family man above was asked why he moved his family to Russia, he immediately blurted out, “To escape the fags!” Currently there is no other nation left on earth (like Russia) that has full government civil protection of family values. Russia offers the religious freedom that parents seek to raise their children in a godly and moral environment that is free from persecution by perverse western liberals and the promotion of their sodomite culture.

Where Men are Free to Raise Godly Children

It is our goal to create a living system where young men can marry and have children in complete moral freedom. Also our system is self-sufficient in energy and food and products thus enabling our young men to focus more on family matters and raising godly children instead of working constantly just to make a living.

Liberal Destruction of the Western World

Escaping Western Liberalism: The main purpose of building a new civilization in the remote regions of Russia is to escape the moral depravity of the liberal-controlled western nations. It should be noted that liberals hate humans and want to see humanity culled under the false pretext of “saving the planet” when in fact with new technology we can produce more than enough food to feed the entire population of earth (many times over). See the links “Liberals Celebrate Human Destruction” and “Liberal Climate Deception” for more details.

Raising Godly Families: It is our purpose to create a new living system in Siberia Russia, which provides abundantly for our married men and their families so that there is no financial restriction upon them having big families. We deem children as great asset and a gift of God. This is in direct contrast to the liberals who want to destroy family values and stop the birth of children. See the links “Liberals Hate Humans” and “Having Pets Instead of Kids” and “Liberals Save the Pigs” for more details.

Escaping Sodomite Culture: More and more westerners are appalled at the liberal-trend of pushing sodomy upon all facets of western society. Parents cannot even send their children to liberal-controlled schools without the liberal teachers trying to brainwash their children to become homosexuals. See the links: “Homos Come After Children” and “Oppose Trannies Lose Parental Rights” and “School Book Promotes Transgenderism” and “Sodomites Recruit Children” for more details.

Criminalization of Christianity: Under the new women-led social order they promote “equality-for-all” and promote sodomites over normal people. This has resulted in Christianity being criminalized. Christians are forced to either accept homosexuals as church members and even clergy or have their churches sued and bankrupted or closed down for so-called hate crimes. The legalization of sodomy is not about granting rights to homosexuals to marry but rather it is for the purpose of the “criminalization of Christianity” because a real Christian cannot accept or endorse sinful human behavior which God calls perverse! See the links “Hate Crime for Criticizing Homosexuality” and “Homosexuals Persecute Christians” and “Gulags for Christians” for more details.

Escaping Liberalism

The Liberal Globalist Great Reset

Liberal Climate Deception

Escaping Liberalism

Liberals Celebrate Human Destruction

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