Social (Dating) App
Social Dating
We can host international single young people on our dating site from various nations (including Russia) as well as having people hosted on this dating site who are specifically from South Korea. This great opportunity for financial security and marriage can also be presented to young ladies in Korean high schools for them to join our “training program for women” to prepare them as potential spouses for the young Korean “military-aged” single men who join our program. Thus, our young pioneering Korean men can choose a potential spouse from among South Korean ladies or even from international women (according to their own preference). Also, international single young men can join the dating site who would also like to find a spouse trained under our system. International single young men can then be a part of our community living system which we are planning to build in remote regions of the world.
See the link “International Dating and Marriage” for more details.
We will need talented photographers to create images for building “social-portfolios” for our members and we will need app developers to put this system together so it can operate seamlessly for those who join our community.