Cho-Testimony of Specific Prayer
Testimony of Spinster Receiving Husband by Faith
Once when I was the visiting preacher in a church, the pastor’s wife invited me to the pastor’s office. The pastor asked, “Cho, would you please pray for a lady here?” I asked, “For what?” “ Well, she wants to get married, and she still hasn’t found a husband.”
“Ask her to come in.” So, in she walked, a nice spinster over thirty years old. I asked her, “Sister, how long have you been praying for a husband?” She answered, “For more than ten years.” “Why hasn’t God answered your prayer for these more than ten years?” I asked. “What kind of husband have you been asking for?” She shrugged her shoulders, “Well, that’s up to God. God knows all.” “That’s your mistake. God never works by Himself, but only through you. God is the eternal source, but He only works through your requests. Do you really want me to pray for you?” “Yes.”
“Okay, bring me some white paper and a pencil, and sit down in front of me.” She sat down and I said, “If you write down the answers to my questions, then I’ll pray for you. Number one: now, you really want a husband, but what kind of husband do you want—Asian, Caucasian, or Black?” “Caucasian.” “Okay. Write it down. Number two: do you want your husband to be as tall as six feet, or as small as five feet?” “Oh, I want to have a tall husband.” “Write that down. Number three: do you want your husband to be slim and nice looking, or just pleasantly plump?” “I want to have him skinny.” “Write down skinny. Number four: what kind of hobby do you want your husband to have?” “Well, musical.” “Okay, write down musical. Number five: what kind of job do you want your husband to have?” “Schoolteacher.” “Okay, write down schoolteacher. ” I went through ten points with her, and then said, “Please read aloud your list.” So she read each point, one through ten with a loud voice. Then I said, “Close your eyes. Can you see your husband now?” “Yes, I can see him clearly.” “Okay. Let’s order him now. Until you see your husband clearly in your imagination you can’t order, because God will never answer. You must see him clearly before you begin to pray. God never answers vague prayers.” So she knelt down and I laid my hands on her, “Oh, God, now she knows her husband. I see her husband. You know her husband. We order him in the name of Jesus Christ.” “Sister, take this written paper to your home and paste it on a mirror. Every evening before you go to sleep read those ten points aloud, and every morning when you get up read those ten points aloud, and praise God for the answer.”
One year passed, and I was through that area again when the wife of the minister called me on the telephone. She said, “Pastor, would you come and have lunch with us?” “Of course, I will,” so I went to eat lunch.
As soon as I arrived at the cafeteria she said, “Oh, she got married! She got married!” “Who got married?” “Do you remember that girl you prayed for? You asked her to write down those ten points? She got married!” “Yes, now I remember. What happened?” “That particular summer at the church one high school music teacher came in with a quartet, staying in that church for a week to carry out a singing revival. He was a single man, and all of the young girls were crazy about him; they wanted to date him, but this guy was nonchalant to the young girls. Yet he was fascinated with this older spinster. He was always hanging around her, and before he left, he asked her to marry him. Eventually she not so reluctantly gave her consent. They were happily married in that church, and on their marriage day her mother took that paper written with the ten points, and read it publicly before the people, then tore it up.”
It sounds like a story, but it really works like that. I want to remind you of one thing: God is within you. God never works anything independently of you that concerns your life. God is only going to work through your thinking, through your beliefs; so, whenever you want to receive answers from the Lord, bring out that clear-cut objective.
[The Fourth Dimension by David Yonggi Cho: Page 23-27]
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