International Refuge System in Russia

God moves among the nations and is at work even when people often to not realize it. The bible says that God orders the affairs of the nations and is in control of their national destinies. Sometimes evil men will take over and bring a nation to ruination but God can still work to bring good men back into power and to reverse the curse caused by their evil predecessors. Such was the situation with Russia when their nation was hijacked by the godless soviet communists and the bible and all Christian culture was abolished from Russian society for 70-years. Yet in the early 1990’s God was at work to change the times and seasons in Russia and at this time the godless soviet rule came to an end. Today Russians are coming back to God and churches are being built and those historic churches that were once destroyed by the communists are now being restored again.

Purpose of NATO Now Negated

After WWII, NATO was formed for the purpose of preventing new wars from emerging on the European Continent. The main antagonist and threat at that time was the godless soviets who controlled Russia and wanted to take over other nations and expand their godless communist ideology outside of their own borders. But after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the purpose of NATO was then “negated” because the communist threat had come to an end. But most of the European nations of NATO had themselves fallen into the godless ideology of “liberalism” (which in many ways is even worse than the godless ideology of communism) which had controlled the former Soviet Union.

Liberal European Leaders Made an Enemy of Putin

The real reason that all the liberals treat Putin and Russia as the “Great Satan” is because these liberals are all godless and they hate and despise anyone who practices biblical values and lives by biblical principles. This however is exactly what modern Russia is doing as they whole-heartedly return to their Christian roots (that had once flourished before the scourge of godless communism seized power in Russia). But the liberals of the European Union still treat Putin and his nation of Russia as if he was the greatest communist threat on earth. But what should have happened is that after 1991, the EU should have embraced Russia as part of the European Union rather than seeking to separate Russia from the same common heritage of Caucasian “Jabez-descendant” people that now occupy that region of Europe. Never should Russia have been separated from this same group of people (which all have a common ancestry) in that part of the world.

Liberals of Europe Ostracized Russia

Despite the best efforts of the newly formed Christian nation of Russia to become a part of the European Union, the European liberals would not accept them. This is not because the Russians are still communist but rather the liberals hate Christianity. Godless Liberals want to transform Russia into a godless liberal state (like most of the European nations are today). They refuse to endorse a newly restored Christian nation like Russia when they want to promote their own godless ideology of liberalism worldwide. Godless liberals (such as those under US President Joe Biden) also want to promote godless liberalism worldwide in total agreement with the godless liberals of Europe. Godless liberalism is a doctrine of demons and is as bad (or worse) than the fallen former godless soviet communism. Both godless ideologies seek to abolish the word of God and remove biblical living principles from all society on earth. But now the new Christian Russia will never go back to these same godless ideologies ever again. The Russians experienced 70-years of godless soviet rule and have been forever “inoculated” from any other godless ideology (including godless liberalism). The Russians who suffered under godless soviet rule know what misery and oppression this caused and they want no more of this godless ideology. This is why the European Union has largely made Russia an “enemy” because they hate the fact that Russia has now turned back to God again. These godless Europeans want to ostracize the Russians and sanction them and cut them off from the economy of the European Union. This attack of the European Union against Russia is not focused on resisting “communism” because Russian communism fell and was abolished in 1991. This European Union resistance against Russia and Putin exists because these godless liberals of the EU do not want to endorse a “Christian Russia” which has restored their “moral standards” and has revived their “Christian roots” once again.

Increasing Divide Between Russia and Most of the Nations of the European Union

The wars in Ukraine and the resulting expansion of NATO are all related to the efforts of Russia to be acknowledged and accepted by the EU while the nations of the EU continue to take steps to ostracize the newly revived Christian Russia. However, forcing this situation has only brought about more hostilities toward Russia and the increase of western sanctions so that the divide between most of the EU nations and Russia has only increased. The current “gap” between the godless liberals of the EU and the revived Christian Russia seems to be now irreparable. These EU nations and Russia are all located on the same European continent. They could have enjoyed great prosperity and economic growth between all of them. But that potential economic growth has now been destroyed by the godless Europeans. These wicked European liberals seek to replace Putin with another godless liberal ruler in order to create a godless liberal Russia (which will then support their own godless liberal agenda of world dominion).

Russia Joining Communist China is Not a Good Development

Having been ostracized by the EU and western nations, Russia has been forced to deal with communist China. This is a bad development however because China is still under communist rule and they desire to expand their godless communist influence (not only over Taiwan) but also over the whole world. If China could be cut off from world trade, then they would have no more money for expansion and Chinese Communist Party would “dry-up” and die a natural death. Now however these communists can revive their evil godless agenda for world dominion by exploiting the valuable resources of Russia. It is terrible that a now Christian Russia should be forced to support a godless communist country with their valuable resources. But when Russia was cut off by the EU and the western nations, they were forced into a bad partnership with communist China. China now has the power to dictate whatever price they want to give to Russia for their valuable resources. Since Russia was cut off from any other customers they can now be exploited mercilessly by China as they are forced to give “rock bottom” prices for valuable resources that would have normally been sold for a high price on an open market. Russia can now be destroyed and bankrupted by China under such exploitation! This unfair exploitation was caused by the godless EU nations which forced Russia to give their valuable resources to the godless communists of China for almost nothing.

God has Other Plans for Now “Christian” Russia

But God has other plans for the newly revived Russian Christian Nation. Most people only focus on the economic system of the western nations and EU and think that is the only viable option that exists for world-trade. However, God is at work to bless and prosper those nations that turn to God (like Russia did) and to decrease and diminish those nations who have turned from away God and have become godless and atheist and secular (like the godless liberal European nations and the godless liberal western nations).

God Changes Situations on Earth – Promoting Godly Nations and Diminishing Godless Nations

During the time of Joseph, for example, the entire world’s economic system was cancelled and reduced to nothing by a worldwide famine. This biblical famine changed everything because a worldwide drought stopped all food production on earth. There was no grain to eat and there was no grass to feed livestock. All of the economy is based upon food production because that is the source of all human nourishment and people cannot live without food.

But during the time of Joseph, God communicated to the Pharoah the king of Egypt by a dream. This dream was interpreted by the Jewish slave and prisoner Joseph who informed Pharoah of a great worldwide famine that would last for seven years. Joseph also recommended that Pharoah store up grain in Egypt in preparation for this coming famine. It was because Joseph had the ability to interpret this dream, that Pharoah promoted Joseph to “second-in-command” over all Egypt. It was by his advanced foresight that Joseph was able to prepare food during the seven years of abundance to be a store against the coming seven years of famine. It should be noted that this situation placed the nation of Egypt as the top of the nations of the whole earth in that day. This transpired because a seven-year worldwide famine reduced all nations to nothing and only Egypt (out of all the nations of earth) had any food. This means that all nations had to come to Egypt to buy food and the scarcity of food would have made the food prices soar because there was no food found on earth except in Egypt at this time! The entire world trade system was brought to complete ruination and Egypt was exalted above all of the nations because only that nation had any food for sale.

The Exaltation of Christian Russian in Coming End-Time Events

Currently most of the nations of the European Union and the western nations have largely become atheist and secular as they follow the godless ideologies of liberalism. Godless liberal-controlled nations are leaving God in wholesale manner and are departing from principles for Christian living and rejecting biblical mandates from God. Many of these same nations once served God in the past but their following generations have turned away from God so that they are now godless and secular and liberal today. The EU and western nations have been enjoying great prosperity and profitable world-trade but they are now facing the judgment of God for turning away from the Lord and becoming atheist. These now godless nations are headed for disaster and will be diminished by God and will fall from their former glory because they have openly forsaken God and rejected God’s commandments.

Things are Changing on Earth

In the past, Babylon was a world empire but later it was destroyed and today there is nothing left there except just ruins where the once prosperous city formerly existed. Many past civilizations have come and gone throughout world history and most often their downfall was attributed to how they treated God’s chosen people the Jews. If they blessed God’s people the Jews they could have blessing and if they cursed them they would be themselves cursed and diminished by God. So also, it is happening with the nations of the EU and the western nations (including the United States). These nations formerly had a past history of following the God of Israel and obeying his commands but later successive generations departed from the Lord and are today largely godless and secular and atheist. This means that God’s blessing will depart such “fallen” nations and will transfer to nations who seek the lord (like the newly revived Russian Christian nation) as we see today!

God’s Prosperity Drying-Up for Godless Nations

Currently the Panama Canal is drying up and this represents a large part of the prosperity of the now fallen western nations. At the same time however, the northern sea route along the northern coast of Russia is melting off continually and opening up the increasing more accessible northern sea route. We are also getting close to end-time events which were predicted by the bible thousands of years in advance. Never before have we been closer to seeing a one-world government that will seek to force its godless agenda upon the entire population of the earth. Already key actors involved with the World Economic forum are seeking to gain control over governments and to dictate what nations can or cannot do and exalt themselves into roles of being complete dictators over all humanity. All of this activity flows in line with biblical prophecy which speaks of the consolidation of power on earth which will culminate into having a one-world ruler who will control the entire world economy. Under this new global economic system no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark or seal of this one-world dictator. They will simply be cancelled and unable to buy or sell or get food or any products from the one world economic system.

Russia is in a Unique Position to Become a Refuge for God-Fearing People of All Nations

Russia has been gifted and blessed by God with all manner of resources. They have immense virtually uninhabited land space in large parts of Russia. They have great mineral wealth and fossil fuels as well as large reserves of fresh water (Lake Baikal for example is one of the largest and deepest fresh water lakes on earth with 20% of the world’s fresh water supply). All of this means that we can build a refuge system in Russia utilizing some of their vast natural resources to create a place for bible believing people to have a refuge and place of provision and protection during the coming times of disaster that are about to be manifest upon the earth!

The thing to notice is that even though the EU and western nations are seeking to control and sanction Russia, in fact these increasingly godless liberal nations are headed for destruction. This is the exact same situation during the time of Joseph in Egypt when the prosperity of all nations was dried up and only the nation (run by the Jewish man Joseph) was prospered and increased. In the same way, the godless EU nations and godless western nations are now being decreased and diminished by God for their sin. They are actively promoting sodomy and everything else that is evil while abandoning all of the principles of God’s word that once made nations like the United States great in the past. The “drying-up” of the Panama Canal and the opening of the northern sea around along Russia’s northern cost speaks of God’s blessing transferring from the fallen EU and fallen western nations to the newly formed Russian Christian nation instead.

A Place of Refuge in Russia

There are godly people found in every nation who have not complied with false religions and have not submitted to godless ideologies (like communism or liberalism). It is these godly people who would benefit by relocating to our new living system to be built in the remote regions of Russia. Russia has the land space and the fresh water and all of the resources needed for building such a refuge system.

Right now, it might seem that Russia is being cut off from the world economic system by the godless liberals who control the EU and much of the western nations as well. But when natural disasters strike the earth (just as occurred during the time of Joseph) then it will not matter anymore if Russia is cut off from the liberal-controlled economic system. When that godless system crashes then they will be the ones seeking the help of Russia just as all of the nations of the earth came to Egypt to receive food which was stored by a Jewish administrator (Joseph) before the famine took place (over the whole earth). When the EU and western nations are reduced to nothing by disasters then they will have no control over Russia anymore. In fact, it will be Russia that has the only place of refuge built that is self-sustaining and produces its own food and energy and has no need for any of the outside world economic system (which is now controlled by godless liberals). The godless liberals will dry up and be diminished while the newly revived Russian Christian nation will be exalted and become like Egypt in the time of Joseph. They will have the only place of provision and protection found on earth because they had the godly foresight to prepare in advance of these coming worldwide disasters.

International Refuge System in Russia

Russian (currently under president Putin) has offered citizenship for ten-million migrants and we would like to avail of this opportunity to bring the needed godly people to Russia for the purpose of building a Christian Refuge System in Northern Siberia. We will build an underground system that is entirely self-sufficient and can produce its own food and energy and housing and manufacturing to meet the needed of millions of godly people. When this system is built and functional it will be then that the surface economy will be greatly diminished just as the natural disaster of drought greatly diminished the world-economic system in the time of Joseph in Egypt. Through this living system, Russia will become largely self-sufficient while the godless liberal nations of the EU and western nations will be greatly diminished and suffer lack. There is no need for Russia to sell-out her valuable resources to communist China. Instead, her resources can be made available for godly people of every nation who are seeking to escape all godless idea ologies (including communism and liberalism).

Related Links

Land For Building

The Russian Government (currently under Putin) offers free land for those who will come and develop the Russian Far East. Land is the basis for everything related to civilization building and expansion. Land is needed to build housing and industry and agriculture and infrastructure (like roads and railways and piers) used for moving machinery and goods and personnel needed for civilization building. The greatest need in South Korea is more “land space” to support a growing population. Land space is directly related to national expansion and future opportunities for progress. When people lack land they lack opportunities for housing, jobs, and everything related to prosperity for themselves and their future progeny. Land space is therefore directly related to the hope for a good future. When people forsake marriage and child bearing (due to grim future prospects) then the nation will head toward extinction. See the related links below:

Free Land in Russia

Russia Offers Free land

Russian Dual-Citizenship

Russian “dual-citizenship” is also being offered to foreigners who will come and develop the Russian Far East. Russia views people as a “great asset” (which is in direct opposition to the godless liberal “point-of-view” that sees humans as only “consumers” to be culled in order to save the planet. Inviting people to come and develop the Russian Far-East and offering them free land shows that Russia values people and understands that people are “producers” who can turn a desolate wilderness into something of productivity and advancement and beauty. Escaping the curse of western “Liberalism” and moving to Russia is a means for people to build a new civilization based upon godly moral values that values human life as a net positive good for the earth.

Ten-Million Russian Citizenships

Wilderness Regions Provide for Unobstructed Development

Siberia is largely uninhabited and full of the natural resources, which are needed for developing new human civilizations. The Russian Far-East has large areas of land to be developed as well as iron ore deposits and deposits of precious metals and everything that is needed for civilization building.

Opening of the Northern Sea Route

The Russian northern sea route is now opening up, while at the same time the Panama Canal is currently in decline and is under threat of closure due to reduced water levels. The opening of the Russian northern sea route also enables machinery and equipment and materials to be moved to our Siberian construction site located within the Russian Far East. Also when our production systems are operational (and there are large surpluses of food and products being grown and manufactured) then the same Northern Sea Route along the Russian northern coastal regions can provide ready access to world markets for goods moved by ocean-going cargo vessels.

Northern Sea Route Opening as Panama Canal Declines

Russian Northern Sea Route Opening Up: (See the video link “Russian Northern Sea Route” for more details).

Panama Canal Drying Up: (See the video link “Panama Canal Threatened” for more details).

Russia Provides Opportunity for Building a New Civilization Based Upon Godly Moral Values

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