Levite Woman
The subject of Levite women is an important issue as it is related to the church because many of the problems that arise in the church are due to Levite women overstepping their bounds and assuming to intrude into the ministry for which they are not called.
I have already mentioned many things about Levite woman in my other teaching lessons and used various examples for illustration purposes. But in this lesson, I thought to compile teaching and examples that focus exclusively on Levite women rather than to just mention them in passing as they relate to other subjects.
The term “Levite-Women”
We coined our own term called “Levite Women” to describe any woman who was been endowed with the spiritual resources necessary to become a helpmeet to a NT Levite man who is born with a Fivefold ministry Gift.
Genesis 2:18 (NASB)
18 Then the LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.”
It should be noted that the God-given purpose of all women who have ever lived on earth is to be a helper that is “suitable” to a man. It is for this reason that women were created by God to be a helper to a man and to complete a man and become “one-person” or “one-flesh” together with a man in marriage. The same is also true of a Levite woman because a Levite woman is born to become a helper to a Levite man. A Levite woman is therefore “suitable” for a Levite man because she has the spiritual resources which he needs to empower him in the ministry for which he is called by God to fulfill.
Exodus 2:1 (NIV2011)
1 Now a man of the tribe of Levi married a Levite woman,
The parents of Moses were both Levites and Moses was a pure Levite for this reason. These Old Testament Levites are direct counterparts of the New Testament Fivefold Ministry Gifts. Both groups were set apart by God to perform the work of the ministry and therefore much revelation exists from the teaching related to the OT Levites which has direct application to the NT Fivefold Ministry Gifts. We often refer to the NT Fivefold Ministry Gifts as “New Testament Levites” for this reason or just plain “Levites” for short. Those women who are “suitable” to be a wife to a NT Levite man are those who are born with the spiritual resources needed to be a helpmeet to a Fivefold Minister. We therefore refer to such women as being “Levite-Women” for this reason.
But much confusion has been caused by falsely assuming that a Levite woman is called into the Fivefold ministry. They are in fact not called into the Fivefold ministry themselves but are created to be a “suitable” helper to a man who is called into the Fivefold ministry.
1 Chronicles 6:1-3 (NIV)
1 The sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath and Merari.
2 The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
3 The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses and Miriam. The sons of Aaron: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
The Levite man who married a Levite woman was Amram who was the father of Aaron, Moses and Miriam. Again, it should be noted that under the Old Testament (OT) era, the service of Levi and the priesthood of Aaron (the Levite) was bestowed following lineage. This means that anyone born outside of the OT Levite lineage were excluded from the ministry based on their birth. The New Testament (NT) application here is that any man called into the Fivefold ministry has received his calling by birth and no layman born without that calling is allowed to intrude into the ministry. It should be clarified however that a Fivefold Ministry Gift does not follow biological lineage so that the son of a Fivefold minister does not necessarily inherit the same gift just because his father was a Fivefold minister. That would be a wrong application because the OT Levite lineage signifies under the NT era that only those born to that group (as called from their mother’s womb) are recognized by God as legitimate Fivefold Ministers.
See “Levites Naturally Gifted” for more details.
1 Chronicles 6:3 (NIV2011)
3 The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses and Miriam…
The fact that Amram the Levite had a Levite wife means that all of his three children were pure Levite stock and born into the lineage chosen by God for ministry. The New Testament era application to this is that there are men who are born with a Fivefold Ministry Gift of Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor or Evangelist and there are women who are born to be a helpmeet and assistant to these men (as all women are created to be a helpmeet to a man and that is God’s purpose for all women).
Of course, Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron so she could not be a wife to them but if these men married a Levite woman then a Levite woman would have been of great service to them. Instead Moses married a pagan Midianite woman (who was not a Levite woman) and this pagan woman Zipporah proved to be a hindrance to Moses instead of a blessing.
Exodus 4:24-26 (NKJV)
24 And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the LORD met him and sought to kill him.
25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone and cut off the foreskin of her son and cast it at Moses’ feet, and said, “Surely you are a husband of blood to me!”
26 So He let him go. Then she said, “You are a husband of blood!”–because of the circumcision.
It is significant that when Moses was on the way to Egypt to obey God and to free the Israelites from slavery that God sought to kill Moses. Why would God seek to kill Moses when God had just sent Moses to Egypt with a job to do? The reason for this is that Moses was the man of the house and any disorder that existed in his household was the responsibility of Moses and God held Moses accountable for it. Moses had two sons by the pagan woman Zipporah and apparently Moses had obeyed God and circumcised the first boy on the eight day as required by Jewish law. But it seems that when Zipporah witnessed the circumcision of the first boy and the pain and the blood involved with the procedure that she must have thrown a fit! When they had a second son Zipporah must have pulled every type of feminine trick imaginable to manipulate her husband Moses (just as women do today when they remove peace from the household in order to pressure their husbands to yield to their wishes). Zipporah must have refused to allow Moses to circumcise the second son and to keep peace in the home Moses yielded to his pagan wife Zipporah and did not do the circumcision as God had commanded. So Moses sinned against God in order to please his wife and keep peace by compromise with Zipporah! It is for this reason that God met Moses on the route to Egypt and sought to kill him because of this disobedience to God! As Moses lay dying (in the throes of death) his wife Zipporah knew immediately why she was about to be left alone as a widow upon the earth! It is for this reason that Zipporah preformed the circumcision on the second son and then she threw the severed foreskin at the feet of Moses as he lay on the ground dying saying with disdain, “You are a husband of blood to me!” It is evident that Zipporah (the pagan wife of Moses) disdained her husband’s religion and disdained the requirements of circumcision commanded by the God of Israel! But as soon as the circumcision was completed then God let Moses go and his life was spared and he recovered from the effects of death that was about to take his life due to his disobedience to God!
Exodus 18:1-4 (NIV)
1 Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in-law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt.
2 After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro received her
3 and her two sons. One son was named Gershom, for Moses said, “I have become an alien in a foreign land”;
4 and the other was named Eliezer, for he said, “My father’s God was my helper; he saved me from the sword of Pharaoh.”
It seems that Moses (once he recovered from death) realized that if this pagan woman he married hindered him anymore or caused him to disobey God again then she could cost him his life! It is for this reason that Moses sent Zipporah back to her father Jethro and he sent his two sons Gershom and Eliezer back with her. Moses went alone to Egypt because he did not need any more hindrance or resistance from this pagan woman (who nearly got him killed when he disobeyed God in order to please his heathen wife)!
Exodus 18:5-6 (NIV)
5 Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, together with Moses’ sons and wife, came to him in the desert, where he was camped near the mountain of God.
6 Jethro had sent word to him, “I, your father-in-law Jethro, am coming to you with your wife and her two sons.”
Jethro came to visit Moses at Mount Horeb after the Exodus had taken place when Moses was leading over 600,000 Jewish families to worship God at Sinai. Evidently Moses did not reconcile his marriage with this contentious Zipporah because Moses ended up remarrying another woman later. Zipporah must have been once again sent back with her father Jethro to the place where she came from.
Numbers 12:1-2 (NKJV)
1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married; for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
2 So they said, “Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?” And the LORD heard it.
Moses married a second wife (an Ethiopian woman) rather than a Levite woman from his own tribe. The bible does not say the reason for this choice but perhaps since he had already been married to a pagan wife maybe Moses felt the Levite women of his own tribe would not be interested in him (or for some other reason). But this is also an example of the “button-hole” principle because when the first button is put into the wrong hole then every other button following will also go into the wrong holes just because the process was started off all-wrong.
See “Button Hole Principle” for more details.
This is an illustration of what happened with Moses. He knew he was called by God to deliver the children of Israel from slavery in Egypt but Moses tried to fulfill God’s plan by his own natural effort. Moses killed an Egyptian who was abusing an fellow Hebrew and then he was forced to flee for his life and leave Egypt!
Exodus 2:11-15 (NIV2011)
11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.
12 Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
13 The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, “Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?”
14 The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “What I did must have become known.”
15 When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well.
One bad decision led to another so when Moses killed the Egyptian he was forced to flee and ran away and ended up in the land of Midian.
Exodus 2:16-21 (NIV2011)
16 Now a priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father’s flock.
17 Some shepherds came along and drove them away, but Moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock.
18 When the girls returned to Reuel their father, he asked them, “Why have you returned so early today?”
19 They answered, “An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the flock.”
20 “And where is he?” Reuel asked his daughters. “Why did you leave him? Invite him to have something to eat.”
21 Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage.
Moses was in the wrong place among the pagans in a foreign land and because there was no Levite woman available to marry in that foreign country Moses ended up marrying the pagan woman Zipporah. This same woman later resisted Moses from obeying God and nearly got him killed for his disobedience!
So, according to the “Button-Hole Principle” Moses got the first button in the wrong hole when he killed the Egyptian then he fled away and got the second button hole wrong by marrying a pagan woman instead of a woman from his own tribe of Levi. The “Button-Hole Principle” means that once someone has messed up their lives, they will typically continue to make a series of bad decisions (one after another) much like putting all of the buttons in the wrong holes! Having a garment with all of the buttons in the wrong holes leaves someone all messed up and out of order! Marrying yet another foreign wife could have been just another “Button-Hole” type of decision for Moses!
It should be noted that a man of God (even like Moses) are just natural human beings who make mistakes and have character defects and many things to overcome in their lives. God uses defected humans as much as possible and has to work with them despite their shortcomings. But these men are not perfect because the only perfect human that ever lived was Jesus the Son of God. All other men (including those called into the Fivefold Ministry) are human and have many defects and other things to overcome in life. But God uses these defected vessels anyway and this brings glory to God rather than to humans.
Micah 6:4 (NASB)
4 “Indeed, I brought you up from the land of Egypt And ransomed you from the house of slavery, And I sent before you Moses, Aaron and Miriam.
Miriam is mentioned together with her two brothers Aaron and Moses as being sent before the children of Israel and standing in leadership capacity. But it also should be noted that it is not proper for a woman to lead a man so Miriam was not to exert leadership over men.
Exodus 15:20 (NIV)
20 Then Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women followed her, with tambourines and dancing.
Miriam in fact had leadership authority over other women and these women followed Miriam when she went for to celebrate the drowning of the Egyptians in the Red Sea. The New Testament era application of this is that a Levite woman has a primary purpose to first of all be a helper to her Fivefold Ministry husband and a secondary purpose of teaching and leading other women (but not to teach or usurp authority over men).
1 Timothy 2:12 (NIV2011)
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
It is not permitted that a woman to teach or assume authority over a man and it is for this reason that a woman is disqualified from every one of the offices of the Fivefold ministry. A Levite woman is not to teach a mixed-gender congregation otherwise she would be teaching the men who are present. A Levite woman can only lead other laywomen but never the men.
Numbers 12:1-2 (NASB)
1 Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman);
2 and they said, “Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us as well?” And the LORD heard it.
Miriam became too familiar with her younger brother Moses and she knew his character defects and natural side of his humanity. She used this as an excuse to assume Moses was not qualified for leadership and so assumed to take his place. This Levite woman Miriam then grew arrogant and said that God does not only speak through Moses but also speaks through her. Aaron is an example of a passive beta-male who follows whoever is strongest and these types of men will typically follow an assertive woman like Miriam. Miriam is listed first because she was the ringleader and the one who instigated this rebellion against God’s ordained authority. Miriam wanted to seize leadership from Moses so she enlisted the help of her passive brother Aaron (as a beta-male enabler) to serve her purposes. A beta-male enabler is a weak and passive man that can be controlled and manipulated by a woman. Such men then endorse and empower an independent woman to do whatever she wants because she can always say that she is submitted to her husband (or submitted to a beta male like Aaron) when in fact she is controlling him.
Ahab was an example of a passive beta-male and his wife Jezebel was able to usurp his authority as a king and rule the whole country of Israel! She executed the priests of God and sought to replace them with pagan priests of Baal and start a new religion in Israel. But Jezebel needed a weak man in authority to control so she could run the country.
Miriam did the same thing when she attempted a coup-attempt against the leadership of Moses by using the beta-male Aaron to endorse her as the new leader. But things did not go well for Miriam when she sought to usurp authority away from the one God had chosen for leadership.
Numbers 12:5-15 (NASB)
5 Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud and stood at the doorway of the tent, and He called Aaron and Miriam. When they had both come forward,
6 He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, shall make Myself known to him in a vision. I shall speak with him in a dream.
7 “Not so, with My servant Moses, He is faithful in all My household;
8 With him I speak mouth to mouth, Even openly, and not in dark sayings, And he beholds the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid To speak against My servant, against Moses?”
9 So the anger of the LORD burned against them and He departed.
10 But when the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as snow. As Aaron turned toward Miriam, behold, she was leprous.
11 Then Aaron said to Moses, “Oh, my lord, I beg you, do not account this sin to us, in which we have acted foolishly and in which we have sinned.
12 “Oh, do not let her be like one dead, whose flesh is half eaten away when he comes from his mother’s womb!”
13 Moses cried out to the LORD, saying, “O God, heal her, I pray!”
14 But the LORD said to Moses, “If her father had but spit in her face, would she not bear her shame for seven days? Let her be shut up for seven days outside the camp, and afterward she may be received again.”
15 So Miriam was shut up outside the camp for seven days, and the people did not move on until Miriam was received again.
Miriam was defiled and rejected by God and sent out of the camp for her insolence in trying to usurp male authority. This gives a precedence for all generations that God has placed men in positions of leadership in the home and in the church and in society and women are not to usurp male authority in the way that Miriam attempted to do to her younger brother Moses.
This also serves as an example that women are not to despise male authority even when they are familiar with a man and know all of his weaknesses and defects. All humans have defects and this is no excuse to disdain the male authority God has placed over women. If women rebel against their male authority they are in fact rebelling against God who placed that male authority over them and they are endangering their own lives (like Miriam did)!
1 Corinthians 11:3 (NIV2011)
3 But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
God has a divine chain-of-command with God as the head of Christ and Christ as the head of the man and the man as the head of the woman and also the parents as authority over their children. As long as ordained authority is honored there will be peace and order within the household. But when ordained authority is dishonored (as Miriam disdained the authority of Moses) then there will be disorder. This is like having a button-hole in the wrong place so that everything will be in disorder in that household as a result. If children observe the woman leading and manipulating the husband then the boys will be confused and the girls will grow up learning how to manipulate men as Jezebel did with Ahab!
Zipporah was a pagan godless woman and she manipulated Moses and threw a fit and removed peace from the household until Moses submitted to her by disobeying God by not circumcising the second son. But this nearly cost Moses his life because when a man is manipulated within his own home, he is in great danger of being destroyed by God for disobedience in not putting things in order within his own household. It is for this reason that a man has to know how to put the monkey on the back of his rebellious wife!
If a man does not do this then he will be killed first in God’s judgment not the wife. The man is the head of the household and any disorder that exists is his responsibility. If he does nothing about this disorder then God will judge the man first rather than his rebellious wife! It was Moses God sought to kill not Zipporah. The judgment of Zipporah would have come later after she was made into a widow and had no more covering or head of male authority. But the man will have the judgement first and then after he is judged then judgment will come to the rebellious wife as a widow.
Placing Responsibility on the Woman for her Rebellion
In my previous teaching lesson called “Divine Order for Women” I already mentioned about how the man can place the monkey on the back of his rebellious wife and thus save himself from God’s judgment! But it should be mentioned again because if women do not understand this they will end up as widows and then later they will receive the full-judgment of God after their passive husbands are gone!
A man only has to read the scriptures to his rebellious wife and show her clearly that she is required by God to submit to him in everything. If she persists in rebellion then the man would have saved himself. From that point forward God’s judgment will come upon the wife for her refusal to submit to her husband. What the man says goes in the household because God placed him in authority in the home. To rebel against her male authority is to rebel against God and this will bring judgment upon the woman once her husband has made this clear to her. Once the man has done his part then he can tell the Lord that he made his will known to his rebellious wife and now it is up to her if she will submit to him or not. From this point on the Lord can begin to deal with the woman for her refusal to obey God’s word concerning wife submission. If she persists in this rebellion then she can find herself under God’s judgment. If she perishes under that judgment (without repenting) then her husband can be remarried to a submissive wife and be done with this rebellious woman! But until the man makes this clear and puts the monkey on the back of the rebellious woman then he will bear the judgment himself. He must put the ball in her court and then let her choose if she will submit or disobey. If she refuses to submit to her husband then she will perish under God’s judgment for this sin of dishonoring ordained male authority.
Levite Women Seeking Financial Security
God made all women to seek for financial security on earth and this makes hard-working and prosperous men more attractive to them as husbands. This gives the edge of procreation to the men who work hard and earn money or have a successful business (instead of the lazy guy who is just looking for free handouts and is comfortable living on welfare).
But for the Levite woman (one who has a burning desire for spiritual things) it will be the worst mistake of her life if she marries a laymen businessman just because she is looking for financial security on earth. If she does that, she will lose her only avenue of ministry which can only be realized if she is married to a Levite man called into the Fivefold ministry.
Pushing Sons into Ministry as “Surrogate” Levite Husband
I know of a Levite woman who was obsessed with spiritual things but she married a layman husband and had no outlet for her ministry. She could not even fellowship with her layman husband about spiritual things because he had no calling or understanding of spiritual things. In her case she worked hard to push her sons into the ministry and sought to have an outlet of ministry through them. It also was a status symbol for her to be honored to have her sons in the ministry which was the only thing important to her. So, she lived her entire life manipulating her husband and pushing her sons into the ministry but this was an idol to her. After many decades of this misbehavior and causing much disorder in the family she finally experienced judgment.
Levite Woman Marrying Layman Medical Doctor
I personally know many Levite woman who chose a layman husband only for fear of remaining single and also for seeking financial security. There was a Korean Levite woman I know of who married a medical doctor and again she found no outlet for spiritual things and no avenue of fellowship with her layman husband. She started visiting churches like a minister but her life was cut-short because she was out of God’s will when she was trying intrude into the ministry on her own. Being married to a medical doctor would seem like the ultimate financial security but it left her without a ministry outlet where she could be a helper suitable to a Levite man called into the Fivefold ministry.
Marriage Delay in Seeking Financial Security
My own wife Helen was seeking God for a husband but she did not receive an answer to her prayer until she got specific with her prayer. God spoke to her audibly and said, “According to your faith be it done unto you!” but she was not specific with her prayer because she knew that if she married a minister then she probably would not have much money. She was therefore vacillating to ask for a businessman husband (who was financially secure) or a minister. Over time she was growing older as an unmarried woman before she finally decided clearly to make a decision to marry a minister. She chooses against marrying a layman because she thought to herself that if she married a layman businessman, she would forever be a stranger to him and unable to fellowship about spiritual things. When she finally made a clear choice about the husband which she wanted to marry then that is when she met me and we were married. We were older when we got married but if she had been specific in prayer, she may have been able to marry at a much younger age.
Levite Women Seeking Financial Security
This thing about women seeking financial security has resulted in many Levite woman marrying a layman and then finding no outlet for their ministry. God in fact created the woman to be a helpmeet to a man and a Levite woman is specifically created by God to be a suitable wife of a NT Levite Fivefold Ministry Gift husband. If she does not marry such a man, she will have no outlet for her ministry and her layman husband will not see the value of her spiritual resources she brings to the marriage. But the NT Levite man will most definitely see the value of these things and he cannot fulfill his ministry without them! The Levite man needs a Levite woman as much as the Levite woman needs a Levite man because they are made for each other.
Dragging Layman Husband into Ministry
I know of a number of Levite woman who married a layman and then drug him into the ministry after them. So, these women would seek to start a church or other ministry and have their husband join them but it never works out well because the man has no gift and cannot minister about spiritual things. In fact, such a woman is unequally yoked by marrying a layman husband.
Married Levite Woman Traveling like a Single Missionary
Another Levite woman I know (who married a layman businessman) is living like a single woman as she travels the world by herself as a missionary while her layman husband remains in his business at home. It is as if she was unmarried and doing her own thing while seeking to find a ministry outlet for herself. But it is not right that a woman be alone on the mission field and be out from under the authority of her husband.
It is therefore vitally important that a single Levite woman hold out and use her faith to marry a Levite man so she will have an outlet for her spiritual resources. If a Levite woman does not marry a fellow Levite-man then she will essentially be out of the ministry! A Levite woman needs a male authority who is in the ministry or she will have no avenue for her spiritual resources.
Levite Woman Pursuing a Levite Man
On another occasion I heard of an unmarried Levite man who went to the mission field in Africa and he sent a letter back home to the bible school of his home church and requested a wife. He knew that he needed to be married and it was not good for him to be single on the mission field. The pastor of a large church announced this from the pulpit in the bible school and one of the girls went to Africa and met and married this missionary! It might seem like something impulsive but what probably happened was that this girl was a Levite woman and she realized this was a great opportunity for her because without a Levite husband she would have no avenue for the ministry. So, she knew a good opportunity when she heard it and so lost no time in going to meet this Levite man. Levite women must find a Levite husband because God created them as a suitable helper to a Levite man. If they do not have a Levite man, they will have no outlet for the spiritual resources they possess.
Levite Man Saddled with Laywoman Wife
The same is true of a Levite man because I know of a Levite man who married a secular school teacher who was not a Levite woman. This woman had no spiritual resources to make her into a suitable helpmeet for her Levite husband. I immediately perceived that this man was lonely because he was unable to fellowship on a spiritual level with his laywoman wife. She was a nice person but she did not have the spiritual perception to be a suitable helper to a Fivefold ministry gift. Again, the Levite man must also hold out for a Levite woman and not compromise (like Moses did when he married outside of his Levite tribe). To marry within his own tribe of Levi has spiritual application to the NT Levite because they are also not to marry anyone who is outside of their Levite tribe (meaning marrying a layperson who is outside of the ministry of the NT Levite in the Fivefold ministry.
See “Fivefold Ministry Gifts” for more details.
Holding Out for a Levite Spouse
Both Levite men and Levite women must hold out by faith and not compromise or be moved by fear but wait on God to bring them a fellow Levite for a spouse so that they will be equally yoked together for marriage and for the ministry as well.
Again, it should be noted that even if a Levite man marries a fellow Levite wife this does not necessarily mean that their children will also be Levites because the calling of God does not follow biological lineage. Only if these children are born with the Fivefold Ministry Gift and have evidence the fruit of that gift can they be identified as being Levites.
Traits of a Levite Woman
A Levite woman will have a great interest in spiritual things and will be praying in tongues and studying the word and love to do this more than sleep! Often a Levite woman will get up a great while before daybreak to fellowship with God and read the word. This sort of behavior is not common with ordinary laywomen and if a girl has spiritual interest like this then this is an indication that she is a Levite woman. Levite women have spiritual “cravings” that can only be fulfilled by being a helpmeet married to a Levite man called into the Fivefold Ministry!
Such a girl would sell herself “short” to marry a layman just to seek financial security. If she does that, she will forever be lonely and unable to fellowship with her layman husband on a deep spiritual level. She must hold out for a Levite husband or she will find no avenue for her spiritual resources as a Levite woman married to a Levite husband.
I know of a Levite woman (who married a layman husband) but she was so full of “spiritual-cravings” or “fire” within that she would feel compelled to travel even five-hours one way from home to attend a good church to satisfy her spiritual-craving within. She would also get up in the middle of the night to fellowship with God! She ended up neglecting her layman husband because she was so busy pursuing spiritual things or ministry-related things. This type of behavior is not typical of a laywoman but only of a Levite woman and if Levite woman does not marry a Levite man, she will forever find no outlet for her spiritual-resources. This could be the worst disaster of her entire life to be “stuck” forever outside of the place God had ordained her to be as a helpmeet to the Levite man!
Be Faithful to Laymen Husband if Mismatched
I know of many cases where Levite women married a layman husband because they were seeking financial security and now these same women are forever sealed up in that state of having no avenue for their spiritual resources. These Levite women cannot separate from their laymen husbands and try to marry a Levite husband because God hates divorce and that would be the wrong thing to do. If they put the first button in the wrong hole by marrying a layman then they should be faithful to their laymen husbands and serve him the best that they can. These mismatched Levite women should not be traveling far away from home and should not leave their layman husbands as “abandoned” by pursuing spiritual things without him. This mismatched situation cannot be fixed if they are already married so they are required by God to be faithful to meet the needs of their laymen husband even if they are married to a layman by wrong decision.
Do Not Seek Alternative Ministry Avenues
These Levite women who married a layman should not seek alternative ministry avenues just to have an outlet for their spiritual resources. They should not try to marry a young Levite man by “proxy” by having one of their daughters marry him so they can use him as an avenue of spiritual outlet. They should not try to push their own laymen sons into the ministry to seek a ministry outlet using their sons as a “surrogate” Levite husband. They should not try to drag their laymen husband into the ministry seeking to endorse themselves into the ministry by having their husband follow them. The wife is to be a helpmeet to the husband not the husband become a helpmeet to the wife. Laymen husbands are not to be serving their Levite wives in the ministry or endorsing them into the ministry so that these Levite women can run a church on their own. Levite woman like this often say they are submitted to their husbands but in fact have pulled their laymen husband into the ministry only to gain his endorsement so they can run the church that they started for themselves.
Using Faith to Secure a Specific Husband
Below is a link to a testimony that I refer to for helping single women to ask God for a husband. This testimony illustrates that women must be specific in prayer when they ask God for a spouse.
See “Cho Testimony of Specific Prayer for Spouse” for more details.
This above testimony was of a laywoman seeking a layman husband who was a piano player and music teacher. But the same principles also apply to a Levite woman (like my wife Helen) who specifically asked God for NT Levite husband who was a traveling preacher. If the woman is a Levite, she most certainly should ask God specifically in prayer for a Levite husband.
Also, the Levite woman should make a specific request and ask God for which one of the Fivefold offices that she wants. Does she want a Levite husband who is an Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Pastor, or Evangelist? She should make this as a specific request to God because the woman is created as a helpmeet to her husband and must request a specific man so she can be a suitable helpmeet to him. All of these specific requests should be formulated before the Levite women requests a specific Levite husband from God.
Asking for Specific Husband is Critical
This is critical for any woman to be specific about the husband she asks God for because she cannot be a helper to a man with whom she is not suitable for. She must have a specific husband so she can submit to him and become one-person together with him in marriage. This also applies to Levite women because they need to ask God for a spouse who is born with a Fivefold Ministry Gift. Anything less would be a great disaster for her and ruin her life! She cannot have any spiritual fulfillment if she is married to a laymen husband because she will only be happy married to a NT Levite Fivefold husband. This is the reason she was born as a Levite woman to be a suitable helper to a NT Levite man and to empower him in the ministry as one-person together with him.
Decades Delay in Marriage for not being Specific in Prayer
My wife is a Korean and was a member of David Cho’s Full-Gospel church and she read the testimony of asking God for a specific husband in prayer. But she was unable to complete her request for many years until she made up her mind, she must ask for a Levite husband. It was not until she finally got specific in prayer and asked God for a Levite that she later met her future husband. I came to Korea and was invited to minister in the Agape International Fellowship which Helen oversaw which met in the administration building of Yoido Full-Gospel Church. This is how God brought the specific man to Helen which she asked for in prayer.
See “Specific Request for Mate” for more details.
Helen made a specific request to God for a husband:
1. She attended Hampstead Bible College in London England and many of the teachers were traveling American preachers of the Full-Gospel background. So she asked God for a traveling American minster of the same Full-Gospel background with the same beliefs as her.
2. She wanted a Caucasian husband with light brown hair and grey/blue eyes because she thought that blonde would be too much of a contrast with her black Asian hair.
3. She had tiny petite hands and could not reach the keys on a piano so she ordered a husband who had long-artistic fingers.
4. She read a testimony of someone who had a vision of seeing Jesus and he estimated that Jesus was about five-feet and eleven-inches tall. So, Helen asked for a husband that was five-feet and eleven-inches tall.
She made many very specific points like this and made a complete list and one of these points also was that when she met the right man that he would propose right away because she waited a long time before getting specific in prayer and did not want to endure a long dating process and courtship but wanted to marry right away.
Helen’s Man Arrives as was Ordered by God
When I arrived at Yoido and I first saw Helen I saw she had everything that I wanted in a wife and was excited about her! As I was preaching, she went down her list and saw that I had every one of the specific things that she had asked God for. I was a traveling American minister and a missionary from the same Full-Gospel background. I was Caucasian with light brown hair and grey/blue eyes and I was five feet and eleven inches tall and had long artistic fingers. I fulfilled every one of the points that she had on her list!
I was so excited about her that I cut my sermon short and asked her to go out for dinner. We talked for hours and had so many things in common and knew many of the same people! When I brought her back to the church in the taxi, I thought to myself that I have never met a woman like this in my entire life! I feared that if I did not grab her right away that maybe some other guy would get her and I would be left with nothing after waiting for a girl like that all of my life. So, I shocked myself to propose to her before we got out of the taxi! She was just thrilled about this because in fact that was a specific answer to her prayers that when she met the right guy that he would propose to her immediately rather than having a long courtship!
Many other things were on Helen’s list as well and she even prayed that her spouse would not want a traditional wedding and it turned out that I was the same way! So when I returned to Korea we got married in blue jeans at the US Embassy in Seoul and began our life together in a practical manner without the time and expense of planning a big traditional wedding. We both wanted to just marry begin our happy life together right away!
I want to emphasize that the woman should be specific in prayer to God for a spouse. It is of vital importance that she have the right man (sent from God) so that she can fully submit to him and become one-person together with him in marriage. It is the woman who is to adapt herself to the husband and it is the woman who was created by God to be a suitable helper to the man. Therefore, it is of vital importance that the woman be specific in prayer for asking God for a mate. If she does not have the right one then it could ruin the rest of her life!
I am so happy that God arranged the marriage because we did have a lot of difficult times ahead of us but the supernatural way that God matched us together really encouraged us even when we were having hard times later. We knew God put us together and it was God’s will for us to be married and that was an anchor for us to hold us steady even in hard times.