Strong Leader Verses Dictator
It should be noted that there is a big difference between a strong leader and a dictator. The primary difference is that a strong leader makes decisions that cause his members to prosper while a dictator makes decisions that benefit only himself and his immediate staff that serves him.
The South Korean President Park, Chung-Hee is often referred to as a dictator because he seized power by military coup. But this is not an accurate assessment of him because under his reign the average per capita income of the South Koreans increased greatly.
When President Park received money from both Japan and the US, he did not squander it on personal pleasure but instead used it as “capital investment” for developing South Korean industry. This shows that he was not using his authority for his own personal gain and this is what distinguishes him from a dictator (which rules only for their own personal enrichment).
This is a stark contrast to countries like Burma (which was taken over by military coup) but has struggled for many decades under oppression, civil war, poor governance, and widespread poverty. All of this misery and great human suffering is in spite of Burma having great natural resources. See the link “Myanmar’s Troubled History” for more details.
In no way can the military coup of Park, Chung-Hee be compared to the military coups of a country like Burma. The obvious difference is that the rule of Park, Chung-Hee brought his people out of poverty and increased the income of South Koreans tenfold and established an economic foundation that has caused South Korea to continue to progress until today.
Note: Clicking on the image below will open a “Mini-Documentary Series” about the life of Park, Chung-Hee.
After the Korean War, South Korea was left in shambles and the people suffered destitute poverty. Park, Chung-Hee was appalled at the inaction of the previous administrations to do anything to improve the situation of Korea. He therefore organized a military coup and seized power in 1961. He held an election in 1963 and won the election becoming the third president of South Korea. As soon as he was in power he began to organize the country and established the “Economic Planning Board” with five-year incremental plans to bring Korea out of poverty.
In 1961, the per capita income of Koreans were only 100.00 USD per year or about 30 cents a day. This was one of the most impoverished nations on earth following the destruction South Korea experienced after the Korean war. Saving South Korea from poverty was no small task and the country needed a strong leader to implement such a plan to bring Korea out of the utter devastation it had experienced as a war-torn country.
Park, Chung-Hee also started the Korean Central Intelligence Agency which silenced and suppressed any political opponents to ensure the smooth execution of Park’s agenda of nation building. Again, this action has been used as evidence falsely accusing Park, Chung-Hee as being a dictator but hard times require strong men who take strong action. President Park did not have time to allow various factions to disrupt the nation building agenda just so these dissenters could squabble over grabbing political power for themselves. He put a stop to their political “disruption” and focused the national energy of the Koreans upon nation building.
To promote speedy economic development President Park took the highly controversial and unpopular action of normalizing diplomatic relations with their former colonizer Japan. But this action brought 800-million US dollars in financial aid to South Korea which was much needed for economic development. The normalization of relations with Japan took place in 1965, but in the same year President Park showed his ingenuity by offering Korean military assistance to the United States during the Vietnam War.
The Korean war veterans were “seasoned soldiers” and their service in Vietnam was outstanding! This military service ingratiated South Korea with the United States and opened the door to millions worth of USD income to South Korea. Here again, President Park showed his resourcefulness because their only real asset at that time was their war experience and this became a real plus for them in earning much needed foreign currency for national development.
In the mid-sixties, revenues from the Vietnam War were the largest source of foreign currency exchange earnings for South Korea. So with millions from both Japan and the United States, President Park was able to channel this funding toward the industrialization of his own country. Again, it should be noted that if Park, Chung-Hee was really a “dictator” then he would have pocketed the money for himself. But instead he channeled it all as investment capital to serve his economic development plan to industrialize South Korea. This is an example of a strong leader who has a “long-term” plan to bring his people out of poverty. Dictators only suppress opponents to keep themselves in power but Park silenced dissidents so they could not disrupt the long-term plan of nation building. There is a huge difference between a strong leader and a dictator because a dictator only serves himself and uses his authority to stay in power. A strong leader uses his authority for the long-term benefit of those who follow him.
Consider the current leader of North Korea who is hugely overweight while his people are literally starving to death. Every decision he makes is geared toward keeping himself in power just as his father and grandfather before him also did. That is a great contrast to a strong leader like President Park whose leadership resulted in creating the prosperous South Korea as seen today. The benefits of a strong leader will long outlast his tenure as a president and because of President Park’s good foresight and planning, his decisions caused South Korea to become “prosperous” as it is today.
NOTE: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video link:
A nighttime satellite image reveals a stark contrast between North and South Korea. North Korea is almost entirely left in the dark except for a spot of light at the capital city of Pyongyang (where the North Korean dictator resides). All of South Korea is filled with lights showing the great prosperity and advancement that the entire South Korean population enjoys until today. The stark contrast of North and South Korea also reveals a stark contrast between the leadership in North Korea verses South Korea. The leadership in North Korea has been concerned only about staying in power for the last three generations. The leadership in South Korea carries on the legacy started by President Park, Chung Hee who built a economic powerhouse that is known today as the modern and prosperous South Korea.
Huge Transformation in Just Two Short Decades
Starting from nothing, President Park transformed South Korea in just two short decades. Under President Park’s leadership, the foreign investment capital he secured catapulted South Korea into an industrial powerhouse. South Korea went from being a deprived nation into a world leader in iron and steel production, ship building, chemicals, consumer electronics, and many other cherished commodities.
Above is a chart plotting the economic growth comparison between North Korea (blue) and South Korea (red) between the years 1970-2003. This provides factual evidence that distinguishes as strong leader from a dictator. The blue-line “dictator graph” of North Korea shows an economic decline over time while the red-line “strong leader graph” shows a constant increase of national wealth.
In fact, the prosperity of South Korea increased over ten-times during the rule of President Park and has continued to increase because of the strong economic foundation which President Park built for his country. No one can argue about these facts because the factual evidence shows that President Park was not a dictator as he so often is falsely accused of being. Instead President Park was a strong masculine leader who did what was right for the long-term benefit of his people. The image above shows total desolation in South Korea in 1950, following the Korean War but every twenty years shows a large multiplication of wealth and national advancement.
In 2019, South Korea was listed as number 12 on the list of top producing economies on earth. What is amazing however is the size of South Korea compared to the other competitors on this same list. Russia for example is just one notch above South Korea but the land-size of Russia is hundreds of times larger than South Korea. This means that the prosperity of South Korea is much more condensed than that of Russia. It is also amazing that such a small country can be listed in the same list of nations as huge as the United States and Russia. If this same economic data were to be translated into GDP per “100 Square-Kilometers” then this could put South Korea toward the top of the list of GDP production figures per unit of land space.
The purpose of this lesson is to compare the differences between a strong leader and a dictator. The Kim family of North Korea provides an example of three successive generations of dictatorship with total authoritarian rule while the only ones who are prosperous are the dictators themselves and their immediate staff that serve them. In no way could this be said of President Park of South Korea because the national income increased greatly during his reign and the South Koreans have continued to increase after the tenor of President Park was completed.
Often it is the weak and effeminate liberals who are quick to label any strong leader as a so-called “dictator” only because they hope to shame strong leaders out of power so that they themselves can take over and secure the role of a dictator for themselves. But a leader should be judged by his actions and if his actions resulted in a ten-fold economic increase during his tenor then he most certainly is not a self-serving dictator. President Park is an national hero because of what he did for his country and how he brought prosperity to the Korean people.
The purpose of sharing all of this is to encourage our own men to rise up and become strong leaders and refuse to be shamed out of office by weak and effeminate liberals who falsely accuse them of being a dictator. In hard times people need a strong leader who gets things done. Even if a leader’s actions may even appear to be that of a dictator, what is important are the results. If a man can attain increased prosperity for his people then he is a strong leader and that is a good thing. The world is in need of strong leadership because when weak women and beta-male eunuchs run the nations then their weak leadership creates leadership voids. It is these leadership voids that produce wars while the actions of strong leaders bring peace.
Strong Leadership
The fact that strong leaders bring peace can even be seen with animals such as horses or dogs which respond to training (leadership). There are videos of dog-trainers who can take the most unruly dog that is barking at and biting everyone and within minutes turn them into a peaceful and obedient dog just by providing them with some leadership. This illustrates that even animals can respond to strong leadership just as the same principle also applies to humans.
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video clip.
This dog trainer (called Dog Daddy) deals with unruly problem dogs and most often the owner of the problem animal is a woman or a beta male whose attitude toward the dog communicates the message that says, “I just want you to know that you can do whatever you want to do and I am here only to serve you!” But this weak and effeminate leadership style instead breeds insecurity and fear and anger and frustration within dogs and this is what causes them to be problem dogs. Many of these angry and violent dogs have to be “put down” or destroyed because few people know how to deal with an angry and fearful and unteachable dog. But this dog trainer (called Dog Daddy) is able to provide the dog with some strong leadership and within minutes the dog stops barking and stops attacking and suddenly becomes peaceful and will even sit on command! It is an amazing transformation which is brought about by providing the animal with strong leadership. Strong leadership brings peace and order for animals. When the animals know what to expect then they suddenly become relaxed and peaceful. Weak leadership however causes insecurity and fear and frustration and anger (even in animals).
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the associated video clip.
Just so no one thinks that this was just a special case, above is another video of a breed of dog called a Cane Corso and this dog also lacked leadership and was angry and aggressive and would attack and bite those around him. The owners did not know how to deal with the dog but the dog trainer called (Dog Daddy) was able to cause the dog to transform and become peaceful and relaxed simply by showing him some strong leadership. This was accomplished by using the leash to stop all lunges and attacks showing the dog who was in control. Once the dog realized that the man was in control then he became peaceful and they could even remove the muzzle without him attacking. This dog trainer was able to do this with hundreds of dogs of all types of breeds. He transformed insecure and fearful and angry dogs into peaceful animals simply by showing them some leadership. The point of the matter is that even animals feel insecure and fearful and frustrated and angry where there is a lack of strong leadership present. This same thing that is seen in animals also applies to families because where there is weak leadership (or if a woman is manipulating the household) then there will be insecurity and fear and frustration and anger displayed by the children (the same as pets like dogs) which also display the same bad behavior.
Angry and Frustrated Men
Frustration in men has increased greatly after the society in western nations has become ruled by women and beta-male effeminate eunuches. Their weak liberal leadership style has contributed greatly to increased frustration in men. The increase of road rage and fights at athletic games are often a result of pent up tension within frustrated men. The greatest source of anger in men is when there are imbeciles running the government and these idiots are making foolish decisions that result in the ruination of a nation. In the book, “Ship of Fools” (by Tucker Carlson), he compares having imbeciles in leadership to having a ship run by fools.
In this analogy, Tucker Carlson talks about waking up on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean but something bad happened and the captain and crew disappeared overnight and no one knows what happened to them. In their place, some insane people have taken over the ship. These crazy people spin the helm and cackle hysterically like mental patients escaped from an insane asylum. These idiots are consuming the rations of food in wasteful manner so it does not seem they will have enough food to survive the trip. There is no direction for the ship so it seems that they will drift in circles until they run out of fuel and then they will all starve to death at sea. This is a perfect analogy for describing a nation that has been taken over by fools whose every decision brings the country closer toward complete ruination. The passengers are all on board for the ride and cannot escape while there are fools running things who have no plan and are not navigating toward a specific port so that this nightmare can be ended. Men will typically experience feelings of insecurity and fear and frustration and anger when the hope for their future is being dashed by imbeciles who have taken over the ship. Under such a situation, it seems that their lives are not under their own control anymore but rather under the control of fools!
This is the bottom line about what makes men feel insecure and fearful and frustrated and angry. It is when idiots have taken over leadership positions and these fools are ruining the future for those who find themselves “stuck” under their command. Men find peace by having a strong leader over them when they know that every decision a strong leader makes is for their own long-term benefit. It is when imbeciles and deranged women and beta males have assumed control that men feel frustrated when they cannot do anything about it. It is therefore “weak leadership” which breeds insecurity and fear and frustration and anger within those who find themselves victims of such weak leadership.
The South Korean President Park, Chung-Hee was also frustrated by the inactivity of the previous administrations who were doing nothing to bring his country out of poverty and starvation. It is for this reason that he initiated a military coup and took over leadership from the weak imbeciles who ruled before him. Again, strong leadership brings peace and order and the incomes of the citizens of South Korea increased ten-times over during the reign of President Park, Chung-Hee. Weak leadership breeds insecurity and fear and frustration and anger while strong effective leadership gives people peace and courage and hope that the future is going to be better. Under strong leadership, their frustration and anger subside as they look toward a good future for themselves and their children and grandchildren. Under strong leadership the people can work together in improving their nation for the benefit of themselves and the benefit of their future progeny.
The World Needs Strong Leaders
The feminists have attacked strong male leadership calling it “toxic masculinity” hoping to shame men out of leadership positions so that these fools can assume control over the ship for themselves.
Note: Clicking on the image below will open the short video clip.
In the video clip above, Cher (a long-time feminist) suggests that men are not important and women do not need them. While she might be joking, this feminist attitude is prevalent today throughout western society. However, these feminists willfully ignore that fact that men are builders and maintainers of civilization. God has created men to be leaders and when there is strong masculine leadership (that makes decisions for the ultimate benefit of those who follow them) then there is peace. Men should never be ashamed to be strong leaders because this is what brings order and peace to all society. Women need strong leadership of a man and children need strong leadership and even pets (like dogs) respond to strong leadership by calming down and displaying peace.
Strong Leaders Brings Peace
Strong leadership brings peace and strong leaders like Trump brought peace even to the nations of the world outside the US. But weak liberal leaders like Joe Biden (and his liberal staff) create anarchy and wars and cause turmoil on earth. This is why we need strong masculine leadership in the home, on the job, in the military, in the government and within every aspect of society on earth.